Flash back to when Lily and Mcfly were 16

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"Tom, why do you want me to meet them ?" Lily asked as her and Tom walked in the park (where they were meeting Harry, Dougie and Danny) "because I want my mega best friend to meet my other best friends" Tom said said he dragged Lily over to them "guys this is Lily" Tom introduced Lily to them "this is the famous Lily, it's a pleasure to meet you" Danny said "I'm Dougie, nice to meet you?" Dougie said "hey! I'm Harry, it's nice to meet you" Harry smiled at Lily "nice to meet you all" Lily smiled.
"What do you guys want to do?" Danny asked "we should show Lily the song we have been writing" Harry said "oh yeah, Mcfly" Lily laughed "we've been writing a song called Room on a Third floor" Tom smiled.

{Later on in the day: Lily's POV}
As soon as my eyes and Harry's eyes met I instantly fell in love with him, I felt like he was the one who I was going to marry, going to start a family with and going to grow old with.

"Tom? Is Harry single ?" You asked Tom as he walked you home "yes....why?" He asked and then he caught on "you like him ? Don't you?" He said "yeah, maybe" I laughed "well don't fall for him" Tom said "why ?" I asked "just because" he said.

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