Two months of being together

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Me and Lola have been moved in with Tom for a week and we love it! I mean all my clothes have taken up most of the wardrobe space but Tom doesn't mind and Tom decorated a room for Lola which she loves and Buzz loves having us around.

I walked down and Lola, Buzz and Tom were in the kitchen eating breakfast "morning" I smiled as I sat down "morning muma" Lola smiled "morning" Tom smiled "what?" I said to him "noting" he smiled but he was hiding something "if you have got me a birthday present I will walk out that door" I laughed "it's only a little one" he said "is it your birthday Lily?" Buzz asked "yes but I don't celebrate it" I said as Tom went into the lounge "why don't you?" He asked "it's a long story that I will tell when your older" I smiled at him as Tom walked in with a massive bunch of roses and I got up "I locked the door so you can't get out" he said as I kissed him and we hugged "I love you" Tom said "I love you two" I smiled as he gave me the roses and I put them in a vase "I have another little present for you which you will actually need" he said as he gave me a little box and I opened it and it was a key to the house "I can finally unlock the door without calling you" I smiled "thank you" I laughed. "Uncle Dougie is looking after us tonight" Lola said "are you ? And why is that?" I asked "because daddy is taking you to a hotel" she said while eating her toast "this better not be for my birthday" I said to him "it will end up being a present for both of us" he smirked as Danny and Georgia walked in "hey" they said "hey" I smiled "are we getting you presents now?" Danny asked "no Tom just for me some roses , a key to the house" I said "thank god cause I didn't get you one" he laughed as he sat down "I have a meeting which I need to go and get dressed for" I said "what meeting?" Tom asked as he sat back down "the one at Downing Street about the children charity" I said "I'm gonna get dressed" I said as I went up and opened the wardrobe and picked out a burgundy silk shirt and some black trousers and I put on some all black Adidas Superstars and then I brushed my hair and pulled it back into a tight ponytail. I grabbed my hang bag and put some notebooks and some pens in there along with my MacBook and my phone.

I walked down and everyone was in the lounge and I walked in there and Lola was sat with Danny laughing, "are you nervous ?" Tom asked "no, I've been to plenty of meetings like this" I smiled "well you look very smart" Tom said as he pulled me in for a kiss "the taxi is here" I said as he went in for a kiss "bye" I said "bye Lola" I said as I walked out and got in the taxi.
I've been in this meeting for two hours now and they are going on about kids who get abused and everyone is saying everything wrong; "Lily would you like to say something as I know you had a personal experience" Cody (the owner of the charity) "yes" i smiled "to be honest everything your all saying is wrong" I said as I went up to the board and loaded up my presentation "I didn't have a normal childhood because I was abused by my parents who were alcoholics and drug addicts but not every abuser is a drug addict or an alcoholic sometime they are just messed up and wrong in the head" I said as I put that statistics on the board "Lily we know all about the statistics we want to here about your experience" Jodie said as I shut off my laptop "well it's quite hard to talk about" I said and all the memories came back and I had tears in my eyes "I'm sorry I can't" I said as I grabbed my laptop and my bag and left and walked out the building and back in the taxi "home please" I said as he drove.
I got in and I saw that Doug was here and Danny and Georgia were still in "back already?" Tom asked as I walked in the front door "yeah I left early" I smiled "where's Lola and Buzz?" I asked "having a nap in there rooms" Tom smiled as I walked in the kitchen and he followed me "what's wrong? Why did you leave the meeting early ?" He asked "they asked me to talk about my experience and my parents but I was going to but it all came back to me and I cried and ran out" I said as he pulled me into a tight hug "don't worry" he said "your here with me and the Mcfly lads and Georgia and you have Lola and now Buzz" he said "I need cheering up" I sighed "good thing we are leaving for the hotel in an hour" he smirked as Doug and Danny walked in "can you please stop talking about you two making babies" Doug laughed as they sat down and the kids came rushing in "muma" Lola smiled as I picked her up "hello baby girl" I smiled at her as I kissed her head and put her down "so when are you love birds going ?" Doug asked "want to go now ?" Tom asked "we haven't packed" I said "I did when you were out" he said "then lets go now" I smiled "okay let me get the bag" Tom smiled as ran upstairs "me and daddy are going now" I said to Lola and Buzz "I love you both" I said "we love you two muma" Lola smiled "Doug if Harry comes ring me and don't let him go near Lola" I said "I won't" he smiled "if any thing goes wrong with any of them ring me" I said "nothing will go wrong they are with me" he smiled "the times are on the fridge" I said as Tom walked in with two bags as I grabbed my phone and laptop charger "read?" Tom asked as I put them in my bag "yes" I smiled "we will see you both in the morning" Tom smiled as he hugged both of them "bye, I love you both" I said as we walked out the door "they will be fine go and make babies" Doug laughed as we got in Tom's car and he drove off to the hotel. "I have booked a table in the hotel restaurant" he smiled "Mr Fletcher you have gone all out" I said "you haven't seen the hotel yet" he smiled.

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