Many years it stood, lush and lofty,
sheltered among coniferous grandeur.
Mingled, meshed, brothers ever together,
huddled inside dark hues of green.Sweet autumn haze, soft delicate sways
Proudly preserving their needle attire,
Less fortunate breeds reluctantly strip
leafy quilt canopy layer.They do not know winter brings sad fate.
Lingering lush in October wan sun.
Privilege becomes its literal collapse.
Chained in steel grip of fellers teeth.Rendered a symbol of festive joy,
Once broken down, kidnapped and arrested.
Torment in fake decorative layer
Of seasonal greed, childhood glee.Many decades it takes,
for a pine tree to grow.
Yet it takes just one
Christmas to bring it down.
ŞiirPoetry written many years ago. I found my voice and lost it. As a step towards recovering my voice I decided to share these poems.