Basic Bitches and Annoying Assholes

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I looked at the piece of paper on the desk in front of me, where I had written down a few names.
Some of them were already crossed out, only two remaining.

The door to my right opened quickly and I heard the clicking if probably pretty expensive shoes coming closer.

"Hey, queer", was the first thing Jessica Mellow said when she sat down in the chair in front of me.
I rolled my eyes at her.

"Whatever.", I sighed and watched her chewing on a mint gum.
She took a few strands of her Platin blonde hair between her fingers and leaned back.

"So you say that I'll be on TV when I help you with your project?", she asked.
Of course that's all that mattered to her.

I rolled my eyes again
"I told you that I can't promise anything. It's a documentary competition. Competition meaning that there will be other people handing in their documentaries. If mine wins, you'll be on TV", I explained for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Then better make this project perfect, queer. A natural beauty like me deserves to be seen by everybody"

I almost started laughing.
Nothing on her body was natural.
But I wasn't going to start with that just now.
I wanted a serious interview and starting a fight with her would only get me in trouble anyways.

"Sure, Jess.", I sighed, "Let's get started then"

I checked the video camera next to me and pushed down the small record button, making a little red light appear.
Instantly Jessica face turned into a grotesque masque. I think she was trying to smile or something.

"Just act like the camera isn't here", I said.
She only nodded and her smile only widened making her look even more terrifying.

"So how are you, Jess?", I asked.

She frowned
"What does that have to do with your project?", she asked back.

"It's just a question to ease your nerves.", I answered.

"Do I look like I'm fucking nervous?", she hissed, "I'm a fucking natural, I belong in front of a camera so don't assume that I'm nervous, queer"

I sighed.
Sometimes I really regretted starting this goddamn project.

"Okay", I said and grabbed my notebook with the questions, "Question number one then..."


Finally Jessica left the room.
God I couldn't stand her.
Maybe I should just cut her out of this film...
But Then she would kill me and I would have been sitting here for 30 minutes for nothing.

I checked my list again.
The last name made me groan quietly.
Frank Iero.
All the teachers and students I had interviewed during the last few days weren't even close to being as bad as Frank Anthony Iero.
And it seemed that of all the people in the world he hated me the most.
Even though I had never done anything to make him hate me...

When the door was pushed open I instantly regretted putting his name on the list.
Why I did it?
He was a challenge.
And I was planning more with him that just a simple interview.
Well... If he was going to say yes.

"Better make this quick, faggot. I have an appointment", he said as he fell back on the chair Jessica had sat down only a few minutes ago.

I sighed
"Sure", I said.

I checked the camera again and put it down a bit so I had Frank's whole face on the frame.
He was pretty small but I would never say that to him. He would murder me.

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