What even...?

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A few more bottles and a lot of different cocktails later Frank and I were going wild on the dancefloor.
The music didn't seem that loud anymore and the colours of the bracelets around us seemed brighter than they did before.
That was probably the alcohol.

I felt more than tipsy by now and I could tell by the way the grin would leave his face that Frank was feeling the same.

I noticed a girl dancing really close to me, her butt occasionally touching mine whilst dancing. She was staring at me whenever she thought I wouldn't look and after a few more songs she actually turned to me and kept dancing right in front of me.
Her eyes were sparkling as she gave me the prettiest smile I had ever seen on a girl's face and I couldn't resist returning it.

She held up her wrist which showed a blue bracelet. She was looking for a boyfriend then.
Too bad that I'd have to crush her hopes.

I showed her my bracelet which looked exactly like hers.
She looked at it for a moment and shrugged before she grabbed my arm and pulled me off the dancefloor.

I couldn't really do anything against it, I still had to figure out how to make the room stop looking so blurry as she pushed me down on one of the empty couches.
Now that the music wasn't that loud anymore I noticed how my ears were tingling and it felt like somebody was holding towels against them. Everything sounded kind of weird, but I guess that was normal.

I looked back to the dancefloor to see if I could find Frank somewhere, but that idiot probably didn't even notice me disappearing.
What an idiot.

Now I actually took in the appearance of the girl who had pulled me with her.

"Hey pretty boy," she teased as she leaned closer, her plaid red skirt riding up her thighs a bit, showing off perfectly shaped legs.
Everything on her body was perfect and if I was interested in girls I would totally go for her.
She had a pale face with amazing green eyes that kind of reminded me of the trees that grew in our backyard. Really pretty.

Her lips were painted with dark red lipstick and it looked like that was the only kind of makeup she wore. Not even eyeliner... wow! A natural beauty.
Her black locks looked kind of curly, but I couldn't really tell since she wore them in pigtails on either side of her face.

She gave me a big smile as she said: "My name's Lindsay, and yours?"

"G-Gerard," I muttered, feeling a bit awkward in the position we were currently in, but I soon relaxed as Lindsay leaned back again and gave me some more personal space.

"I've never seen you around here," she said and crossed her legs.

"Never been here," I said, "first time"

"That boy over there your boyfriend?" she nodded over and I followed her gaze.
Frank was standing by the bar, another beer in his hands as he glared at Lindsay and me.

Maybe he was mad because I left him alone...

"No. Just a friend," I explained and decided to ignore Frank.

Lindsay giggled and I joined her even though I didn't know why.

"Yeah that was a stupid question. You would be wearing the same bracelet as him then," she said and hid her smile behind her hand.

"Yeah," I giggled.
Lindsay actually seemed nice.

"You're cute, Gerard," she said and winked.
Actually fucking winked.
Right at me.

I felt myself blush.
"I'm sorry, Lindsay but your flirting won't get you anywhere," I said and looked to my wrist again.

"Oh I know that you're gay!" she exclaimed and laughed even harder, "you just seemed sweet and I could really use new friends!"

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