A New Friend

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Today was Monday.
Oh joy.

It's not like I hate Mondays because it's the day after Sundays, no, I hated it because our school decided to put all the shitty subjects into this one day.
The first two lessons were going to be maths.
After that, chemistry and after that PE.

At least school was done at 12:50 on Mondays... That was at least something.

I walked through the school halls and looked down at my maths homework which I did right before I left the house this morning.
Something seemed wrong, but I just couldn't tell what it was.
I would have to ask my maths teacher later.

I looked at my phone to see that I still had about half an hour until the first lesson began.
I could go to my classroom and work on my documentary for a bit longer!
That was a great idea.

The hallways were pretty quiet at that time of the day. Most students would walk in ten minutes before the first lesson starts, so there were only two or three other people walking around searching for their classrooms.

I liked being early.
First of all because I could finish homework or study before school and secondly because I would be in the classroom before some asshole could get in my way in the hallways.

When I entered the rather small room, I noticed that I wasn't the only one that was early.

In the back sat Mace.
I was suprised to see him here at that time because normally he would be at least ten minutes late.
But wondering why he was here already wouldn't get me anywhere either.

I muttered a small 'good morning' that he probably didn't hear because he had headphones in and was looking down at his phone.
Then I took my own seat right in the front.

I pulled out my laptop and opened a file where I had saved all of my previously edited film parts.
I had already cut out most parts of the party moments and was now going to add it to the rest of the documentary that I had already finished.

After I was kind of happy with how the different movie parts blended into each other I added the audio.
For that I plugged in my headphones but only put in one of them, so I could still hear what was going on around me.

That didn't really work though because I didn't hear Mace getting up from his seat and walking up behind me.

Adding the audio was pretty easy, I just had to layer the audios of different clips at some points or add a sound effect slash music to some parts.
Great, that's all I could do now.

I clicked the small play button on the top left to look at what I had done today.
And I have to say that I did a good job.

"That looks pretty cool," a deep voice behind me said, making me jump and turn around quickly.
Mace was leaning down over my chair and looked at the screen where a part of the interview with Jessica was playing.

"T-Thank you," I muttered.
I was confused.

Mace never said anything nice to me.
He and Jessica actually did everything BUT being nice to me.
What was wrong with him today?
Maybe he was planning something and is just acting...?

"Seems complicated." he said and pointed to a few buttons with different symbols on it.

"What's that for?" he asked as his finger landed on a button with a small scissor on it.

"U-Uhm... that's for... for cutting the videos. Like... When you don't want to use a certain part of a video you can cut it out." I explained.

"Awesome!" Mace laughed and pushed back the chair next to me before he sat down.
"How long have you been working on this?"

"About two weeks," I answered and saved the documentary.

"Wow! That's awesome dude!" Mace really sounded like he meant what he said.

I turned around a bit.
"Are you okay, Mace?" I asked and was tempted to put my hand on his forehead to check if he had a fewer.

"Yes I am, why?"

"Because you're talking to me and haven't used the words 'faggot' or 'cocksucker' yet." I said, making him giggle.

"Yeah I... Kind of don't feel the need to do so today," he said.

I didn't trust that.
"Why are you nice all of a sudden?" I asked and put away my laptop again, "don't you like... want me to burn in hell because I'm gay?"

Mace snorted.
"Actually I don't have anything against gay people"

That was a shock.

"But why have you been like that for the past years?" I asked and frowned.
That actually blew my mind.

"Because Jess is totally homophobic and I've been trying to get with her for years now," he answered and shrugged.

"But... What I mean... how...?" I was so confused at the moment.

"Actually I have two mothers," Mace added and smiled slightly, "so I'm probably the last person to have something against homosexuals"

I couldn't bring myself to say anything.
But i didn't have to because Mace seemed to have more to say.

"Frank is my best friend and you're kind of his friend now..." he gave me a side glance but didn't say anything further.

I asked myself how much he really knew.

"He's really excited about your project thing," he continued, "and... Don't get me wrong, I like Frank but... He's Really closed minded"

I sighed and nodded.
Mace was right but I felt like Frank changed a bit during the last few weeks.

"I see you know what I mean," Mace smiled slightly, "but what I was trying to say is, that I think your documentary will make Frank think about things differently"

I nodded again bcause I knew what he was trying to say.

"I know I'm talking too much right now. Actually the first lesson is about to start soon so I better get to my seat again. I just wanted to tell you that it's really cool of you to make that project and that I really hope you'll win this competition."

I was still totally shocked by how different Mace was acting today and I still didn't know if he was joking or if he really meant what he said.

"Oh and Frank was right," Mace said grinning as he got up.

I gave him a confused look, not really paying attention to all the students storming into the classroom, looking for their seats or their best friend.

Mace leaned down a bit so not everybody could hear his next words.

"Your hair really smells amazing"

Oh my god was everybody in this fucking school a goddamn creep?!

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