Talk To Him

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I didn't stay at Frank's house that night.
After I saw him sleeping I decided to take another risk and drive myself home and now, the next morning, I was glad I did.

I woke up with a massive headache and the second I opened my eyes I had to jump up and run to the bathroom where I threw up right away.
Great now I'd have to deal with a hangover.

"I'm never drinking again," I groaned into the toilet as I held my stomach.
I knew that I wouldn't stick to that rule.

Once I didn't feel like passing out anymore I got on my feet again and checked the time. It was late afternoon already!
How long did I sleep for?!

Not long enough, I thought as a yawn escaped my lips. Maybe I could just lay down for a few more minutes and face reality after that.

Or at least I thought so.

I went down to my room and thanked my past self that I was smart enough to close the curtains that night. At least the sunlight isn't a problem anymore.

I fell down on my bed and groaned as sudden pain shot through my head.
Goddamn it.

I pressed my eyes shut and didn't move until the pain was bearable again.
Then I searched for my phone.

I found it somewhere under my pillows and I still don't know how it got there.

When I pushed down the button on the side of the device, the screen lit up instantly.
Damn that was a bad idea.
I threw my phone to the side and held my hands in front of my eyes.
That hurt!

Okay try number two!
I grabbed the phone again and turned it a bit to the side so the screen wasn't fully facing me.
Now I only had to blink a few times to get used to the brightness.

Once I could actually read what was written on the screen I wanted to throw it away again.

I had 26 unseen messages and 8 missed calls.
All of them from Frank.

At first I was suprised that he was awake already and obviously in a better state than I was, even though he drank way more than I did.
Then I got scared.
He probably remembered most parts of yesterday and I already knew that he wasn't all that happy about it.
I wasn't either.

It probably wouldn't have happened if we hadn't been drunk in the first place.

For a short moment I considered just deleting all of the texts right away and telling Frank that I'd never gotten them if he asked, but then I decided that it would probably be a really bad move because ignoring Frank couldn't work out.

So I opened the first one.

To: Gerard Way
From: Frank Iero
Call me

Well that wasn't that bad I guess.
He sent it about 6 hours ago.
The second one just half an hour after the first one.

To: Gerard Way
From: Frank Iero
Call me right now. We need to talk.

We need to talk...

That sentence always led to something bad.
But I got his point, even though I didn't think that talking was THAT necessary.

The messages after that were quite similar to his first two.
Well... What else was he supposed to write?

I checked my voicemail to see if he left any messages there, but he didn't.

I sighed. A confrontation wasn't something I could possibly avoid.

But did we really have to talk about it?
I mean... I Only remember half of the things we did.
And what is a blowjob in the 21st century where you can sell your body on the internet?

A blowjob.
I gave him a blowjob.
Gerard Way fucking gave Frank Iero a blowjob.

I let out a giggle because that just sounded ridiculous in my head.

Seems like the straight boy wasn't so straight after all.

That made me giggle again which was followed by another painful groan because laughing just made the headache worse.

I put my phone away again without having answered Frank.
That could wait until after my nap.

Maybe I should make a list:

- nap
- text Frank
- check on dad
- shower
- eat
- drink
- go back to sleep.

I carefully nodded to myself in the dark before turning around again.

I was just about to fall asleep when my phone vibrated next to my head.

I didn't even have to check the ID on the screen to know who it was.
Why I picked up the call anyway is still a mystery to me.

"Yeah?" I mumbled into the phone, half of my mouth covered my the pillow.

There was nothing but silence on the other end for a few moments.

"I didn't expect you to be up already," Frank whispered.

"Then why did you call?" I groaned and buried the rest of my face into the soft material.

"I... Don't know," he admitted and I knew he was shrugging.

"Then hang the fuck up and let me sleep," I said.

I put the phone away from my ear a bit to end the call.

"You sucked my dıck," Frank blurted out, loud enough so I could hear him.

I hesitated before bringing the phone back to my ear.
Not knowing what to say I just whispered a simple "I did".

And again: silence.

"We should talk about that, shouldn't we?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see it.
"I don't think that's necessary," I answered.

"You really have nothing to say?" he asked further.

"No," I simply said, "now let me sleep"

"Wait," he said because he probably thought I would hang up straight away, "I've got a few things to say though"

"Good. Shoot," I offered but Frank made a disapproving sound.
"I don't want to talk this over via phone," he said, "I'm going to come over"

From his voice I could tell that this wasn't up for discussion.

"Be here in an hour, okay?" I sighed and put a hand over my eyes.

"Great!" Frank exclaimed and just ended the call without even saying goodbye.
How polite...

I put my phone down again.

Seems like I won't get my nap after all.

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