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I woke up to a dark room. Blurry eyed, I stretched taking a look at my dorm. Two beds, two desks, two closets. I wonder where my room mate is? Then, out from a crevice in the room, a dark figure came towards me.

Frantically, I looked at the clock. 6:15pm, it read. "You do realize, you're supposed to leave your shoes near the door, right? You slept with them on." Readjusting myself I sat up, looking down at my shoes. Yep, still on.

"Um, no. I've been very tired." I replied to the figure. "So I see. I was hoping you'd wake up sooner." I stood up, facing the voice that was now in front of me. "I'm Luna, your roomate and tour guide," she reached out her hand for a handshake. "I'm Nala." I said while shaking her hand. "Oh, I know who you are. Are you ready to go?" I looked around one more time, checking to see if everything was in place even though I hadn't unpacked anything.

"I believe so, yeah. I'm ready."

Dankook University is such a beautiful place. The facility was very nice and the students here are so approachable and kind. Luna introduced me to a bunch of people, names I cannot remember. I'm sure I'll see them around. We went all over the campus, building to building, restaurant to restaurant. I'm really liking the feel of this place. I wish mom and dad could see all this.

"The cafeteria closes at nine so if you're hungry, you might want to eat now." Luna informed me as we ventured out towards the café. "I could use something to eat," I said.

So there we sat, talking about our past experiences which lead us up to where we are now. We talked for a good hour or so before we were told that the café was about to close. "You have to start unpacking. You've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow," said Luna as she cleaned up her food. I smiled and nodded. I do have a big day ahead of me.

"You think you can get to all of your classes?"

"Yes, I'm sure." I replied, taking a good look at her.

Luna had gorgeous long waves of red hair. She was a sight to see. As we talked, she told me of all the places that she's been to. You see, Luna was born in Germany on a Navy base. She's practically been everywhere! Australia, Spain, India---you name it. I would have loved to travel as much as she had.

We started walking back to our dorm in a nice, comfortable silence. Whisps of air danced around us as we reached our building. "I'm nervous," I admitted suddenly, breaking the ice.

"Aren't we all?" Luna joked as she closed the door behind us.

Shoes off. "Pigonhaeyo," Luna yawned. "Excuse me?" Walking to her closet, Luna grabbed her pajamas and changed. "You're in Korea and you don't even speak Korean?" She laughed. I unpacked my things looking for my pajamas as well. I was no where near tired, but I might as well be comfortable.

"Basically..." I whispered, mostly scolding myself for not even thinking about learning.

"Yikes, girl. You're in for it! Haenguneul bileoyo! Anyoung-hi jumu ship shiyo."

Lights off.


What did she even say?

Pigonhaeyo= I'm tired.
Haenguneul bileoyo= Good luck!Anyoung-hi jumu ship shiyo= Good night!

[Please correct me if I am wrong.]

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