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I woke up before Namjoon, having to get to my class early. Not wanting to wake him up, I quietly rummaged through his mini fridge and found ingredients to make food. I was going to make food for him to eat leaving a note for his hospitality. After making the dish, I ate in silence, finished my food and grabbed my bookbag, double checking to make sure the note was clear in sight and that his plate was covered.

He should be waking up soon...

Class went the usual direction it takes. We turn in our assignments after the role has been taken and we sit there in complete boredom listening to the teacher ramble about her failing love life.

You and me both, professor. You and me both...

Class finished off with us being given another assignment that I more than likely would Google.

Dimples♡: Hey! Thanks for the food, cutie!

You're welcome! Thanks for the hospitality! Much appreciated, very much appreciated haha.

Dimples♡: Wanna go eat at the Cafeteria with me??

Dude you JUST ATE!

Dimples♡: Ne. But I'm hungry again and your cooking is amazing. Pleeeaase????????

Ugh, sure you big whiny baby. Where are you right now?

Dimples♡: Behind you.

I turned around looking up from my phone. Behind me?

No seriously, Namjoon. Where are you??

Dimples♡: SERIOUSLY Nala, behind you! Haha!

I turned around again in more confusion. He says he's behind me but I don't see anyone...

I scream as I'm being lifted off of my feet not knowing who my kidnapper was. I began to kick and punch the mysterious figure until I realized who the person was: Namjoon.

"Stop, hitting me Nala! Geez, I'll put you down!" Namjoon promised, sucking in breaths of air and massaging the pain. I immediately felt guilty and caressed his now red arm once he put me down.



He's so fit...

"I'm so sorry, Dimples." I said looking at his wound. "Dimples?" He asked in wonderment. I nodded looking into his dark brown eyes, "You're Dimples now." He smiled at my remark.

I could never exactly tell what he was thinking. His eyes were too dark of a color for me to dive into, not knowing what darkness I would be engulfing myself in. 'Your mouth can say one thing but your eyes can tell a million stories...,' Namjoon told me this and yet I still could not figure him out.

I catch myself looking at his figure and his careful movements, analayzing this well crafted human being and pondering what actually goes on in his mind. Does he think of me? Does he care? Or is he doing it for his own benefit (that of which is unknown)?

All of these questions I could not believe my own mind could muster. Namjoon is a kind, young man with a intelligent mind with a crave of life, love and happiness. He was an outcast like I.

Once we got to the Cafeteria, we ate in silence pausing every so often to say a few words. It was better like this, to sit and enjoy the presence of one another. To be able to take in the many smells swirling around the lunch room and to observe the way others interact with each other and appreciate the things going on around you, is what matters most to me.

For the first time in my life, I didn't feel lonely. I felt like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon that has wrapped tightly and securely around the Monarch of myself. To be able to stretch without worry and without having to be so vigilant, was freedom within itself. The blocks and scattered pieces were finally coming together.

I smiled at Namjoon when I realized this, secretly thanking him for such a small achievement. "What?" He said after slurping up some of his food. "Just thinking." He nodded going back to eating as well.

Namjoon looked at the time reminding me that I had to go to class sometime soon.

So protective like an abeoji...

"I don't have that class today. I got ahead of the class somehow and I'm free." His dimples showed prominently as he said,"So you're free today?"

I shook my head no. "I have a few hours that I'm available, Dimples."

For the first time ever, I could see a glimpse--a spark of something in his eyes.

He's up to something...

We went back into his apartment afterwards, dumping our bags onto the floor. Back to working on my art...

I looked at the room that didn't have any of my art in it. I frowned.

"Where's my art work?" An evil look swept across his smooth face.

Oh my God. Did this nigga do something to my shit?

"I want to show you something, Nala." Namjoon ushered me into another room I haven't got the chance to explore; I didn't even know the room existed. I gasped in awe.

Namjoon redid my painting onto his wall. "Its so...beautiful. How'd you do this?" I took the painting to my heart, treasuring every inch of dark paint scattered along his wall. "Krum, I'm also an art major too, you know. I made it...for you."

I turned my body to face him. "Namjoon...I don't know what to say. Thank you. This is just..." I didn't have anything to say due to the overwhelming amount of happiness I had.

"You did all of this while I was gone?" He shrugged saying,"Aniyo. But, that's not important..." Namjoon came closer to me, wrapping his arms securely around me. The wave of peppermint flew back into my nose causing nostalgia.

"What's important is you...only you."

I held onto his words like it was the last thing that I could do to save my life.

"Why?" I muttered, the noise of the small city becoming silent as the air grew thicker with each breath we took.

"You don't realize how beautiful you are, Nala."

"I'm ugly...I'm nowhere near beautiful, Namjoon. Nowhere close." I whispered, wanting to get out of his close embrace but wanting to hold onto him tighter simultaneously.

"Do you realize there's so many forms of beauty that even the human mind cannot comprehend?" He questioned me, his eyes getting darker with each word he spoke causing me to get chills.

"Yes, I am very aware."

"Then why must you continue to call yourself unappealing. I'll have you know, that you are very pleasing to the eye, but it's your soul that makes me crave you more and more each day." He whispered in my ear with his deep voice, then slowly began kissing my neck.

I felt a rush of need for him. My heart began to beat faster, my knees getting weaker every second I was with him. I didn't know what to do or what to say, my mind going elsewhere.

Namjoon stopped and looked into my eyes. I wanted to kiss him so bad, my hormones becoming rocket high. I need this man, I need him.

"I love the way when you laugh, how your face crinkles up. I love your personality and how smart you are; I love your hair...your culture...your skin..." Namjoon looked at my lips with a longing want to kiss them. I can say I wanted to do the same.


"Ne, Nala?"

"Please don't hurt me..." I pleaded, his face slowly inching towards my lips.

"I could never harm someone as innocent and as lovely as you." He whispered, gently putting his soft pink lips against my dark plump ones.

Abeoji= Father
Ne= Yes
Aniyo= No
Krum= Well


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