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Today is the day that my whole life will change...again. I woke up before dawn to get to the airport. Namjoon didn't come home last night due to his internship and I was quite surprised when he put his work before me. However, I do see the reasons behind his actions: he needs a stable income in order to live and I'm not going to be here anymore. There's no point to hold him back.

The bus ride was a silent one, the many lights capturing my attention. I don't know when I fell asleep but I woke up at the airport. Through the process of getting my things checked in and in the right area, I received no texts. My heart filled with sadness once I finally reached the doors of the plane.

The attendant notified us to put on our seatbelts once we were all seated and I began to feel dread. Am I doing the right thing, God? Am I?

I twirled the gold filled necklace in my fingers. I will never forget you. I promise. The plane started to take off and once again, I fell into a deep sleep.

It took many long hours (thirteen hours and thirty-five minutes to be exact)  but finally, finally I was in America! The minute that my feet touched the soil, it was like a connection. Memories flooded my brain simultaneously, making me overwhelmed. After I gathered my many bags, I exited the airport and got a taxi, telling the driver my address.

My phone vibrated causing my heart to jump in expectance of it being Namjoon. However, it wasn't.

Mommy: Are you here yet?

I'm riding in a taxi right as we speak momma. I'm coming I promise.

Mommy: Oh I can't WAIT till you get home! I wanna hold and spoil my little baby! Amara Sauda Kalu, I love you so much! You're my little pumpkin!

I smiled at the text message, and put my phone in my pocket. The jet lag was getting to me, so I relaxed as we passed the many buildings in the city. After an hour ride, we finally reached my destination: home. Namjoon still hasn't reached out to me. Maybe it was a sign, but I'm not sure.

Once the taxi was finally at a full stop at my house, I paid the dear man and thanked him for taking me on such a journey. I grabbed my bags and uncovered the doormat and took the hidden key that was carefully placed there. I walked in to a room full of aromas,"Hello? I'm home!"

I heard scattering in the kitchen until a light skinned woman appeared with a bright smile. It was my mom and she never looked younger. "Oh, my pumpkin! I'm so glad you're home!" She pulled me into a deep hug and began to bombard me with questions.

After a while, my dad came in and told her to let me put my things up. Of course, we hugged and talked catching up on things. He wanted to make sure his 'baby girl' was ok. I finally made it into my room and started seperating my belongings into my dresser drawers. My phone vibrated the second time today.

Dimples♡: Open the box.

Never had it once crossed my mind to open it. I had received it from him the time we got home from Nami Island and didn't dare open it, fearing he would take it from me again. Curiousity swept over me as I hovered about the medium sized box.

What could possibly be in here?

After many years, I was finally able to see what it contained. I hesitantly opened it, bracing myself. What I found was not what I expected.

Inside the box, there were handwritten letters from Namjoon. They all were written to someone specifically, some words I did not understand---it was all in Korean. On each letter, there was a different date written.

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