Eight - April Fools

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Eight - April Fools

Montae woke up the next morning and did his morning routine before throwing on his blue Adidas track suit and a pair of J's. He put his Galaxy in his pocket and grabbed his key chain and walked out of his room, locking it from the inside. He heard noise downstairs so he went down to the kitchen and saw his parents in there with the twins. Sarita bought them toys which is why the twins were so willing to be around them.

"Tae Tae look!" Meagan ran up to her brother and showed him her new doll. 

"That's cool Meags," He told her. 

"Are you going out today?" His mother asked him. "Because I got your car fixed, how's your lip?"

"It's fine," He said. It was fully healed now and he was glad.

"Your allowance is on the table." His dad said. Montae walked over to the table and grabbed the money. He counted $700. "You been to the gym this week?

"Yeah, I was going today. Thanks. So what's the low for this?" He asked.


Montae was a very humble person. He knew he was rich and there was no doubt about it but he didn't like to brag or talk about it because it definitely came with a price. In his household, the least he could spend was a certain amount and if he didn't spend at least that much then there would be a problem. He also had a credit card that he used with a low as well. His parents saw to it that he spent more money than he had to.

"Have a good day," His mom said in Spanish. He nodded and kissed his brother and sister before leaving the house. He didn't know where he was going but he just wanted to get out of the house. His phone vibrated from his pocket and he quickly looked at to see his older sister calling.


"What the fuck happened to your lip?" She asked. He heard a lot of noise in the background. 


"I saw your picture on Instagram Thursday and saw your lip, what happened?"

"You always shittin' on yourself for nothing. Nothing happened,"

"Whatever I knew you would lie to me. Come pick me up from MIA." She told him. He immediately pulled over to the side of the road.


"Can you speak English? I said pick me up from the airport butthole." She repeated. "I'm waiting."

Montae looked at his phone after his big sister hung up. She was supposed to be in California taking an exam or something, why the hell was she in Miami? He sighed and drove to the airport. He drove up to the front entrance and saw his sister standing there with one bag. She got in his truck and gave him a kiss on the lips as she buckled in.

"Can I ask why you're here Koren?" 

"Because it's Spring Break and I wanted to check up on you." She said like it was the most normal thing. 

"You came out of nowhere KoKo,"

"Whatever, so how are you?" She asked. 

"I'm fine, where you wanna go?" 

"Gym, I could use a good workout." She said. She climbed in the back and changed into the workout clothes she packed.

Even if he didn't want to admit, Montae was glad that his big sister had come all the way down here to check up on him. 

Sommer told Ques to come pick her up and take her somewhere so they could talk. He took her to his brother's apartment since he had class today. 

"So is everything okay?" He asked as they sat on the couch.

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