Twenty-Seven - Get 'Cha Head in the Game

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Twenty-Seven - Get 'Cha Head in the Game

During his free period, Kollin decided to go to the library. After flirting with and getting the numbers of two girls, he saw Cleo between two rows of shelves trying to reach one of the books that were high up. He smirked and walked up to her, easily grabbing the book and handing it to her. She slowly took it from his hands.


"Welcome, that for a class?"

"No, for fun."

He nodded and reached up to push her hair out of her face. She looked up at him for a moment, then began to walk away but he grabbed her arm and told her to wait.


"Why you always wear ya hair in ya face?"

"Because I like it like this. Anymore questions?"

"Actually yes, what was it you said to me in AP Chemistry?"

"You weren't listening?" she arched her eyebrow, surprised he was admitting that he wasn't listening.

"Not really, I kinda had a bad night last night and was zoned out thinkin about it. What'd you say?"

"I was saying that I heard from Alex last night that you have a game on Saturday. I was asking if I was invited."

"Oh, hell yea you invited. Miss Kalajian." he wiggled his eyebrows. 

She stared at him, making the smirk on his face fall. "I hate when people do that."

"Do what?" he asked, confused.

"Pretend like something's not bothering them by smiling. I can see past the prescription glasses and the cool façade, Mr La Croix. I'm lettin it go cause it's none of my business but thanks for the book, can you help me wit my Chemistry homework?"

Kollin stared at her for a moment, then cleared his throat.

"Is that a no? Cause it is Friday and I have all weekend to do it." she moved her head around in curiousity. "I'll take that as a no. Bye Kollin."

Kollin turned around and watched Cleo walk away, stunned.

Shaking his head, he began to leave the library just to walk around the school. Walking helped clear his mind.

"Going to find your girlfriend?" he heard Nique's voice say as he was about to walk out the back door of the school. He turned around to face her.

"What girlfriend would that be exactly?"

"Adrianna of course, who else?"

"And since when is she my girlfriend, Monnique?"

"Since you two were making out in the hallway yesterday, duh."

"Actually I think the rumor was that I was feelin all up on her, must got your facts screwed up." he said.

"No I'm pretty sure it was making out, that's what I told—" she cut herself off, realizing she had just given herself up.

Kollin laughed at how easily he tricked her. "Wow, you dumber than I thought you were. You know nothin happened between me and Adrianna, and you will make that known."

"And why the hell would I do that?" she scoffed. She gasped when Kollin backed her up against the wall, his minty breath in her face as she began to melt.

"Because you want me, don't you Nique?" he whispered.


"Yes you do, you want me bad. You wanna see what kinda damage I can do wit this piercin, don't you Nique?"

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