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Authors Note: Thank you for choosing to read this story! This is my idea for what would happen if Hazel got pregnant. Obviously credit goes to John Green for creating the original book. I realize some of you may not like the idea of writing a sequel, thinking it may ruin the book. Sorry! One day an idea popped into my head and I've just gone from there. Please enjoy!

It had been a month since Augustus' funeral. I really couldn't be bothered with life anymore. In the past week I had seriously considered killing myself, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I had seen Augustus' parents after his death and I couldn't do that to my mom and dad. I missed him so much. His constant presence calmed me. It was great knowing that I could talk to him, just pick up the phone and he'd be there. But he wasn't anymore.

In these past few days I had woken up in the early hours of the morning, feeling ill, like I had a bad case of the flu. Usually I just forced myself out of bed, shoved some breakfast into me and I felt a bit better. I just thought it was cancer. Sickness is a side affect of cancer. Cancer is a side affect of dying. I winced at the thought of Peter Van Houten. I hadn't picked up An Imperial Affliction since Augustus' death. I moaned softly to myself in pain, making sure nobody would hear. Today I felt worse though. I usually spewed around this time. I was just getting out of bed when my mom rushed in.

"Sweetie! You okay? I heard you getting out of bed, its 5 in the morning! Darling, say something!" she questioned rapidly.

I gave her a weak smile. "Mom, I'm fine! I just need the toilet."

"Are you sure sweetie?" she asked nervously. "Because it's not normal to get up at this time. It's happened for days now! I'm just going to phone the hospital to make sure everything's okay..."

I sighed. I did not need to talk to another doctor. Mom and dad thought I was depressed after Augustus' death, and I hated the support group now, so they got me a psychiatrist. She was called Dr. Samson and I hated her. She always wanted me to talk about my feelings and all that crap.

I knew that I was going to spew soon, so I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I suddenly felt horribly dizzy. The room started spinning so I sat back down on my bed. Mom cast a worried glance at me.

I forced myself to laugh. "I'm fine mom! I just need to get to the bathroom and-"

I stopped in mid sentence, gasped, then threw up all over myself and the bed clothes. I moaned.

"Hospital. Now" said mom worriedly.

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