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How could he even try to get mad at me? Don't get me wrong I do belive Bill has changed, but he's still a demon! I started running faster. This reminds me of last time we were here. He wanted to just leave me. So what I go home and he stays here. I wanted to stay to! He's always doing this. Mabel's the bad guy and dipper's always good. As I was running I tripped over a tree root sticking out of the ground. Before I could put my arms out I was sliding across the Forest. Ouch the pain is real. As I started to cry I heard a familiar voice say "Shooting star are you ok? I've been-" before bill could finish I tackled him into a hug. "I-I punched DIPPER! A-and" I tried to explain. My crying and trying to breath got in the way. "Shhh calm down shooting star. Hey I know what will make it better!" He said trying to cheer me up."sniff Wh-what?" I asked wiping my nose. "Smile dip!" He replied. That instantly made me happy. "Y-YOU HAVE SOME?!" I practically yelled at him. Bill laughed a little and noded his head "Yep but I can only give it to you if you stop crying." I wiped away my escaped tears. I've never smiled so big before in my life. Bill just smiled and grabbed my hand. When he grabbed my hand it made me blush a tiny bit. We walked through the forest to Greasy's Diner. I love food! Expecially the sweet kind. When me and bill walked in we were greeted by Lazy Susan. "Howdy! What will yall be having?" She asked taking us to a booth set. "Uh chicken and fries. Oh and do you have ice cream?" I asked siting down. "Mmmmk and yes we do! You sir?" She looked to bill as she asked. "Uh I'll just have the same thing she's getting." Bill told her a little shyly. "It'll be out in a second." "Dang it! I forgot to ask for a drink. Susan forgets to ask people if they want something to drink, so if you don't say you want a drink ya don't get one." I said putting my head in my hands. "I'm sorry about the drink. Here." Bill said. I looked over to see him pushing a smile dip package towards me. YESSS! I grabbed the sweet candy and devoured it. Oh how I love you smile dip. Bill laughed and lend back. "So uh about earlier. Did you say you punched pinetree?" Bill asked smiling. I knew this would come. "Oh uh ya so what happened was, as I walk through the door Dipper was questioning about who I was with. It was you so I couldn't just say Bill Cypher! So I was going to explain it to him nicely until he started yelling at me being a brat! I was trying to walk away from the situation and go to sleep, but dipper grabs my arm. So I turned around and punched him right in the nose! Dipper crumbled to the ground holding his nose as blood started gushing out of it. Out of nowhere dipper starts yelling at me so I started screamed at him. I got so mad that I had to remove myself from the situation. So I ran out of the house tripped and now we're here!" Bill couldn't even open his mouth before some old acquaintances at the bar started yelling. "YOU GO GIRL!" Bats Biker yelled at Manly Dan. I remember telling him his fortune. "PUNCH HIM HARDER NEXT TIME!" Manly Dan yelled while punching a hole through the bar. That's definitely Wendy's dad. "He better hope the pool doesn't get him!" Mr. Poolcheck said in his creepy way. They all look the same, just a tad older. I'm not even going to comment on that. "I'll prank call him to his FACE!!" Tats yelled standing up. Oh yeah Dipper did prank call him didn't he? That's when he was still going through is puberty phase. Good times. I smile and look back over the Bill. He was still staring at the men. "Their, uh old acquaintance of mine." I told him smiling. "You make a lot of friends huh?" Bill asked turning to face me. "Uh ya why do you ask?" I said a little confused. "I've never had a real friend..When weirdmageddon happen those monsters were just fake friends I see that now." Bill said pretty sad. OH.MY.GOD I reached across the table and yanked Bill to face me. "Well were going to be THE BEST OF FRIENDS!" I told him. Bill started blushing and nodded his head. Me and Bill left before are food came out. We have too many things to do now. I did all the things you do with your best friend take pictures, get in trouble, spray paint old abandoned buildings, eat too much Smiley dip to the point where you were on a Smiley trip. I don't know exactly how but when I woke up I was in my room. I guess Bill put me here. I looked over to see no dipper. I wanted to apologise to him too bad. I guess for now a letter is going to have to do. I pulled out my shooting star paper and wrote him a note "Dear Dipper I'm sorry for punching you in the face and cussing at you. I hope one day that you will forgive me -
love Mabel♡." Perfect. I took a quick shower changed, Brushed my teeth, and all that nice junk. After I got done I left a mystery shack to explore a little.

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