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"BILL!" I yelled sitting up. I looked around to see I was in the living room. I'm a blushing mess. What? Was that all just a dream? "Mabel! We're home!" Grunkle Stan said putting something down. I got up and walked to the kitchen. "Uh hey!" I said smiling at Stan. He must have gone shopping. "Oh no, you didn't shop lift again did you?" I asked looking in the bags. "Ha no. Once Ford was with me I couldn't!" Stan said putting some eggs in the fridge. "Do you need any help?" I asked crossing my arms looking at Stan. No sweet heart I think I'm good." Stan said smiling. "Okay that's the last of it!" Uncle ford said putting down more bags. "Where's dipper?" I asked looking behind ford. "Oh he hasn't told you?" Ford asked looking at Stan. "Tell me what?" I asked getting nervous. "Him and Pacific are going on a date tonight. He's going to ask her to be his girlfriend." Stan said putting some bread up. "Oh Uh th..That's Uh good! I..Gotta go! I love you both." I said speed walking past ford and Stan. I'm happy for him, but why her? I thought he hated her? At lest he's over Wendy! Ya it shouldn't matter if he dates Pacifica. As long as he's happy that's all that matters. I'll just walk around town and maybe I'll run into one of them, hopefully dipper. Who knows I may see the both of them, but what would I say? What's there ship name? Difica, Pacifdip? I like Difica more. I looked over to one of the many mystery shacks signs. "Two miles ahead!" So I have two more miles until I get to town. Crunch! Stan? I looked behind me to see no one. Ok I'm more than likely hearing things. I looked back in front of me, and started walking. I never did return ford's Diaries sorry I mean journals. I started laughing to myself. I started imagine ford as a 16 year old girl writing in her/his diary. I started laughing more. "What's so funny?" A male vocie asked behind me. I stopped laughing and turned around. Dipper! I opened my mouth to tell him, that I'm sorry and I wish he would tell me more things. I couldn't do it so I shut my mouth and started walking away. "Hey!" Dipper yelled running up to me. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it. "I was talking to you! Stan told me that he told you about me and Pacifica. Your being really selfish not accepting us!" He said running in front of me trying to get me to stop walking. "I never said I don't accept you guys! I think that this awesome, I just wish things could go back like they used to be. You know back when we were kids the good old days? Am I the only one who misses those days, and you were you following me?" I said to him on the verge of crying. He has to miss them to! It's not okay to just follow someone! Dipper looked at me right in the eyes and said "First of all I wasn't following you, and No! Those days are in the past. I get it you have a mental issue where you don't want to let go of the past, but-" He never got to finish. "What did you just say?" I asked him making my hand into a fist. "You have a mental issue." Dipper said confused. "If anyone has the issue it's you! Look you may think you know everything, but you don't know a damn thing about me!" I told him walking past him. I hate when he does that. "Mabel it's not my fault that your the way that you are! I get it you don't have any friends, that's okay, one day you'll find someone!" Dipper yelled looking at me with that know it all look. I started running away. "Mabel!" I could hear Dipper yelled. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed at him running off the trail into the woods. Dippers foot steps followed mine. I have friends! Waddles and Bill. I get it he just wants to help, but there is no reason for him to say those hurtful things. I looked behind me to see dipper trying to catch up to me. That's the one thing I've always been better then him at running. "Mabel slow down! You can be friends with my friends!" Dipper yelled at me. That little! I started running faster. Bill where are you when I need you? I looked behind me again, this time dipper was farther behind me. I looked back in front of me to crash into someone. PLEASE BE BILL! I looked up to see my favorite demon in all of the universe. "Bill!" I yelled and hugged him. "Mabel!" Dipper yelled getting closer. I looked back up to Bill to see him getting mad. Bill hugged me back and said "Do you know what happens when I get mad?" Do I want to know? I shook my head side to side. "Do you want your brother to leave you alone?" Bill asked hugging me tighter. "Your not going to kill him are you?" I asked nervous. Bill glanced down at me. "Unless you want me to no, I'll just make him go away. He'll be with his "friends" and you'll be here." Bill said looking back in the direction of dipper. "As long as you don't hurt him in anyway." I said resting my head on chest. "Mabel!" Dipper screamed getting closer. Bill snapped his fingers and dipper was gone. Bill said he wouldn't hurt dipper. I'm sure he's fine. I closed my eyes and listened to Bill breathing. It's very nice. He'll breath in fast then out even faster. He must be calm. He's A:Nervous, or B:Mad. Well isn't this just a trick question. "Are you okay?" Bill asked still hugging me. "Ya I'm good..A or B?" I asked looking up to bill. "Uh..A?" He said confused. I laughed and blushed a little. "You wanna hear something weird?" I asked him smiling. "As long as it involves you. Yes, yes I would." Bill said looking down at me smiling. "So I had this dream, and you were in it! The weirdest part is you kissed me! Weird huh?" I told him blushing. Bill laughed and said "Did you forget I'm a dream demon? The first part was just a dream, but the part with me, That was real." I started blushing a lot. "Oh..." I said hiding my face in his chest. I could hear Bill laughing. "Do you want to hear something weird and crazy?" Bill asked. "What?" I asked still hiding my face. "I can't tell you if you don't look at me." Bill said clearly smiling. I looked up to him. I was right he had a big smile on his face. "Will you go out with me, like a date?" Bill asked looking at me waiting for an answer.

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