Deals And Brainwashing

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☆Short A/N:I may go back and delete some chapters, not the ones that are really apart of the book of course! Sorry I have the flu so I'm not really up to writing, but as soon as I get better I'll write a loooooong chaper! I promise! P.s. The picture has nothing to do with the chapter it's just cool.☆

I can't belive Bill would make dipper like him! I wonder if he can do it to stan and fo-NO! There still your family mabel! You can't just mess with there minds, plus Ford has that metal thing in his head. Wait what if I? Oh my YES! I have an idea! "Billll!" I called out to my loving demon boyfriend. It took a couple seconds but I heard footsteps start approaching me. Oh he's going to like this! "Yes my beautiful shooting start?" He asked sitting down next to me. Were in the kitchen. This is my favorite place to think/eat. I looked over to him and told him "I want to make a deal with you." He stopped and looked at me. "What?" Ug why do people ask something they clearly heard? "Look just make a deal with me ok?" I tried reassuring him. "Uhh okay but why?" I know he'd ask this question. I turned to completely face him with a huge smile on my face." I want to tell stan and ford that we're dating, but if it doesn't go well the deal I'm about to make with you will save us both." As I told him my plan he start understanding what I'm doing. "Okay but in return I want a kiss~" He said scooting closer. I could feel the blood rushing to my face. This is why you don't date a demon. "Fine but after the plan!" He made a pouting face and mumbled "okay, And it's a deal!" Hopefully they'll just except us.

                ×One Hour Time Skip×
"Kids! We're home, and we have food!" Stan called out before Ford chimed in. "And a stan has another felony!" I laughed at that. Well I guess it's now or never. I made Bill go in the Dreamscape dimension, just in case. "Ford, stan, I hope you know I love you two a bunch.....So I have to tell you this." I said walking up to them. They looked confused and worried. "I have....I have a boyfriend!" As soon as that left my mouth stan became a interrogator. "Who is he? How old is he? Do we know him? Please tell me he's not some douchebag!" I smiled. Oh he's not going to like this. Bill better be ready. "Well his age *insert a fake cough and VERY nervous laughter* You do know him, He's not a douchebag..not to me at least! And his name is Bill, Bill Cypher." The house became very quiet. I could see Ford start to get mad so the deal went into place. I made a deal with bill. The deal was if anything goes wrong brainwash them like dip. I know it sounds bad, but it's only temporary! "Well that's great! I LOVE THAT GUY! You found your self a good man mabel!" Ford said hugging me. Welp at lest the deal worked. I didn't think it would...

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