Best Worst Day Of My Life

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[A/N:Im sorry I was going to update earlier but it slipped my mind so here's another chapter!!]

"So Mabel, Who's your boyfriend?" Pacifica asked looking at Bill. How she looked at him made me mad. Mable No! "His name is Bill and we're not dating." I responded to her a tad rude. This is why I didn't want Dipper dating her! She's just going to go and flirt with other guys, and she may end up hurting him. I love my brother I don't want that to happen to him. I'm hoping that I'm wrong, and she turns out to be one of the best girlfriend he's ever had in his life! "Oh~" That was her reply. Okay I may kill her. I glanced over to Bill, he's clearly as uncomfortable as I am. "Well we better get going sh-Mabel!" Bill said looking at me. He called me by my real name wow. Hopefully Dipper didn't notice the Sh part. "Ya we have to get going before the uh.." I said trying to think of a place we could go. "Movies! Before the movies close. It was nice meeting you two." Bill said trying to get past dipper. "Ya we have to go so if you could uh move." I said to Dipper and Pacifica. Dipper looked at me then Bill. "Have fun!" Pacifica yelled while dipper gritted it out of his teeth. They moved to let me and Bill be free. As soon as we were both free, we walk to the door and left. "That was, interesting." Bill chuckled holding my hand. "You don't say!" I replied to him holding his hand tighter. "Where do you want to go now?" Bill questioned opening my car door. I waited for him to get in the car and buckle up. "I don't know where ever I guess." I said buckling up. Bill smiled and backed the car up. " I know where we'll go." Bill hummed smiling. On the ride there if we weren't talking and then we were listening to music on the radio. "Ok were 3/4 to are destination." Bill said turning off the car. "How far are we ganna have to walk?" I asked taking off my set belt. "Uh not too far. It's About the same distance from the Mystery Shack to the town." Bill replied taking off his seatbelt. "Then LET'S GO!" I yelled fist-pumping the air. Bill laughed and got out of the car. I opened my car door and got out. "You didn't wait for me to open your door!" Bill cried out acting hurt. "I'm sorry! Did I hurt the poor baby Bills feelings~? I snickered at him trying not to laugh. Bill put his hand on his heart acting hurt and  "Now your going to get it!" Bill yelled running over to me. I yelled and started running away. I couldn't help but to laugh. Bills foot steps were gaining on mine. This is so unfair! I went to take another step, but Bills arms wrapped around me. "Where are you going?" He asked me right in my ear. I couldn't help but to laugh and blush. When I finally stopped laughing, I could feel my self blushing harder. "That was unfair!" I whined trying to get out of Bills grip. "How wasn't it fair?" Bill questioned putting his head on my shoulder. "First of all your a demon! Your going to be faster than me, and I don't know were we are!" I answered him smiling. Bill let go of me and took me by the hand. "Come on I'll show you were we are!" Bill started leading me. After an hour of walking we finally reached our destination. Where on the mountain. The one that has the train tracks running through it. It's the one that Ford said a UFO crash though. Its so beautiful. I was mesmerized by The View I didn't notice Bill. "Hey shooting star. So I've wanted to ask you this.." Bill said scratching his neck looking at me. Oh my God he's blushing. If he's going to ask what I think he is. I waited for him to continue. "Uhh  It's a nice view huh?" Bill said putting his hand in his pocket looking back in front of him. Oh wrong question I guess. "Ya it's beautiful!" I said looking back at the Dark town. We talked here and there but most of the time we just looked at the veiw. We left an hour or two after we got there. On the drive back to the Mystery Shack it was quiet. I'm just disappointed I guess. Bill stop the car right before you turn out of town to go to the Mystery Shack. I wanted to walk the rest of the way so we did. We of course held hands. I noticed where we were at so I stopped. "What's wrong shooting star?" Bill asked looking back at me. I stopped and he walked just a little bit ahead of me. He couldn't walk too far because we were still holding hands. "Look! It's the tree again!" I said looking at it. Bill walked back beside me. "It is huh?" He said looking at it with me. I put my head on Bills side. He's taller than me, I like taller guys so I'm not complaining. "Hey Bill! I've had fun tonight." I said looking up to him. Bill looked down to me and smiled. He let go of my hand and turned to face me. Instead of saying any thing he hugged me. I close my eyes and hugged back. We stayed like that for ever it felt like. Bill let go "I'm glad you had fun, I did to! And I'm sorry. I'm still not good with this whole emotions thing. If I ever hurt your feelings or anything like that I'm sorry." Bill put his hands on my cheeks. I smiled and kissed him. He was shocked at first. That only lasted two seconds before he kissed back. After a minute the kiss ended. "Shooting star?" Bill asked nervous. "Ya?" I replied back up to him. We looked each other in the eyes before he asked "Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled at him. "As long as you'll be my boyfriend." He kissed me while smiling like an idiot. This nerd. "I love you." Bill said breaking the kiss for a second "I love you too" I  giggled back at him. We continued the kiss for awhile. I didn't want to stop kissing him. He broke the kiss and walked next to the tree. I followed him." What'ch ya doin'?" I asked walking beside him. "I'm just making sure, your initials are M.P right?" He asked looking at me. "Ya and yours are B.C?" I mocked him smiling. He smiled and looked back at the tree. "Do you want me to do it or do you want to help me carve our initials into this tree?" Bill asked still looking at the tree. So that's what he's doing, cute. "I'll try to do mine, but the key word there was try." I said walking right next to him smiling. Bill smiled and pulled out a pocket knife. He started carving his initials into the tree. After there was a B.C in the tree, he put a pluses sign then handed me the knife. Okay, here goes nothing. I carved a M the best I could and then a .P not that bad. I smiled and handed Bill his pocket knife back. Before we left Bill finished it off by carving a heart around are names. We start walking back to the Mystery Shack, holding hands and talking. I can finally say I have a boyfriend. I wish I had a phone! That would be awesome. I could do all that Social Media stuff to let the world know I'm taken! I am no longer a single Pringle ready to mingle! No instead I'm a mingled Pringle not wanting to be single. Bill walk me to the door of the Mystery Shack and said bye while kissing me. I told him bye and went inside. Best Worst night of my life! God I love that nerd♡

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