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I'm sorry in advance!


"Hey everyone! I have important thing to tell you all so come to my place so, okay?" Then he ended the call. Now, how was he going to tell the gang of who Kyle really is?
"Looks like we're all here now...what do you want to tell us Travis?" Said Katelyn once the last person had come in.
"So, I had a nice long chat with "Clay" Kyle Jordan something last night. . ."
"Ooh, that's where I know him from! I had thought he look familiar!" Said Garroth. This is going to be a looong day hmm...he's not doing well after the break up, and now this?
"I also got to know a bit of his back story...if any one want to hear it..?"
"Yes. " "yeah" "sure!" Filled the room.
"Please don't interrupt me. So, Once Upon A Time, Kyle was dating this girl, Maia, then, they both changed into monsters and Kyle became gay for his roommate that was dating Maia and Izzy and Clary and some fangirl of his, this is after they broke up, then some stuff happened, he got a good job offer as a hooker, then got a promotion and came here cuz work I guess? Oh yeah, and uh, that roommate guy is an ex if his and a uh vampire?"
"What" *gasp* "huh" etc


How could he? And I guess before they dated Laurence was taken advantage of by this hooker? Who does he think he is? Running around, leaving scars. Collecting a jar of hearts. Ugh, I can't do this anymore! The only person close to me besides my friends here is Dig Cena...I-he must be Hunger by now. Ugh, my head hurts...wh-


Once Garroth fainted I knew I had to stop.
"So uh, ye-yeah...I have suspect to believe Kyle is a mythical creature, not quite a vampire, maybe a WereWolf or a fairy? I dunno?"
"That does make sense, probably a werewolf. "
"I can always count on you to be a lil smarty Blueberry!"
"Aww Travis! You can stop calling me a blueberry, we're just friends now, remember!"
"You know you like the nickname!"
"Oh Kay fine, I do like the nickname. But only when you say it. NO ONE ELSE IS ALLOWED TO CALL ME BLUEBERRY! Got that?"
"Yeah" "sure" "yes ma'am" "yes"
"Good. That's what I thought."


I "woke up" in a shabby looking cottage in the middle of nowhere. I looked at my hands, they were green with really long fingers. I went out side, looking for anyone to help me. I don't know who I am. Who am I? Who am I? I looked and saw what looked a lot like a grave...I saw a dead body that looked like
"Brother!" What? I-I didn't say that! If I didn't stay that...then who?
I was the dead body.


Garroth still hasn't woken up. Maybe he did and fell asleep again. Maybe he was having a nightmare. That would really explain the weird noises and random jolts of movement. Maybe...maybe I shouldn't have shown him that weird MineTube series...Salad Fingers, was it? Yeah. Oh no, he gets pretty scared about those kinds of things...wh-what if he goes into a coma an-and d-dies dream of that horror! What have I done?!


I'm not him, Salad Fingers- h-how do I know his name...but not my own? Turns out I'm a ghost of his ancestors..? And I'm a part of his Thanksgiving dinner? But...I-I don't think I belong here.

After I heard the word cut for the 10th time...i-it was finally over!

I awoke in a hospital room, memories flooding me. I looked to my side and saw someone who looked familiar, brown hair ,  blue eyes, but I didn't know who he was. I don't...I don't remember everything..!

766  words! And wow that was hard to write. The feels are sometimes overwhelming hmm. Sorry about the past few chapters being so terrible. I tri I cri. Oh well! Anyways, that was kinda based off a real tvshow like thing in YouTube. It's called Salad Fingers. It's kinda creepy but there is a storyline. If you don't want to watch the whole thing, do what I did! Watch MatPat's theory videos for the series. Game Theroy and Film Theroy and GTLive oh my! This YouTuber is one to remember! He's pretty cool, so check out his videos!
~inside joke with followers :3 ~


Garence With A Twist (Book 1 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now