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This. Is. the. Last. Chapter. <3


I didn't want some lame small funeral for Dog Cena, so I called all my friends and his old owner! Apparently she lived on the street just over, which was good, she was so close and not in another state or something. After I set up the decorations, I fixed Travis' tie- for the third time. Man, that guy can party hard. You know? Well, everyone was here! "Oh, hey! You must be Robin!"
"Yeah, I'm so sad that Jo has passed. Well, he's in a better place now..!"
"Wait what? His first name was Jo? W-we called him John...John Cena...but, we usually called him Dog Cena. But I always called him Johnny..."
"Well, him first owner, my older brother, Roland, named him. Joel. But I always called him Jo. And I guess he likes the name, and me, more. So, after my brother went off to the Encha- I...I mean college! He w-went to Enchanted Forest Community College. I-in Oakridge, Oregon!"
"Nevermind. When are we getting to the speeches? I want know because I like to be orderly. "
"Well, after the last song, thanks for that playlist by the way, we will get people, and dogs, to their seats. That was a great idea, bringing his old friends. "
"Oh, well y-yeah. You're whalecome I guess. I-I Mean welcome. My friend says it like that. She's really growing onto me, heh. "
"Yeah.." we stared at each other's eyes in silence. "Well, I should go gather my note cards!"
"M-me too! A-and, before you take off...uh, is the other owner coming? Laurence?"
"Probably yeah. He's not here yet, I don't know why...oh well. It's the second to last song! I should go!"
"Y-yeah...right! Bye Garroth!"
Why does the name Robin seem so familiar? She kinda looks familiar too, red hair and hoodie. Hmm, oh well! I'll figure it all out later I think...I hope..?


This party is AMAZING! What is it for again...oh right! Dogo is dead! Oh well! "Hey, is your vision getting funny cuz the lights too, Danny?"
"Travis! Did you drink another fancy drink! I told you to stay AWAY from those!"
"Do you mean the pretty colored drinks? I didn't! I had a bunch of water burned my that normal or..?"
"Travis! That's alcohol as well! Come on, let's go home!"


"I would like to say a few words, if that's OK Garroth?"
"Go ahead Aph. You can go right now, start us off."
"Okay, uh well...Dog Cena, I didn't know you much, but you were an amazing dog while you were here. I hope heaven is an awesome place to you. Thanks..." it was kinda embarrassing to do that. I don't know why though. Heh, Robin kinda looks familiar...I don't know why though...


Kawaii chan doesn't like funerals. Too much black, not enough pink! But Zane is enjoying it...a little too much? Nya, I have never know when is too much. For all I know it's normal! I don't think I've ever seen Zane Kun smile before today! Well, he has, with Aph...I want to make Zane Kun smile, like Aphmau Senpai does! I-is


After Aph said what she wanted to say, it was my turn. I was supposed to be the intro. We're out of order! Gah! Oh whal- WELL! Gosh!
"We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Joel the dog. Otherwise known, as Dog Cena. Take it away Garroth. " I started crying and ran off the platform. I can't take it, Jojo was like my best friend as I grew up. My brother, Roland, got him when my parents moved to New York City...Robin Hood and Zeleana Mills. My whole life is a twisted fairytale. (Sorry for the OUAT spoiler but I had to! )


I ended up being right after Laurence, to say our last words / goodbyes and give Dog Cena a flower of our choosing. I chose a light yellow daffodil. Like my hair. Before I put my flower down though. I did two things. I thought to myself, Goodbye Johnny. I'll miss you. I'll see you someday I hope though! Farewell, my friend.

Then , before I put down my flower, I looked at Laurence's. He chose a forget-me-not, and baby blue. To look like his eyes. I looked at his eyes to see the comparison. Then back at the flower.

Memories came back. Bad ones. The reason why me and Laurence broke up and he left...and all of the memories from when we "dated". I realize now, we never even went on a date! But I did go on a (terrible) date with his ex...Clay Jordan Kyle.

Since I was holding up Robin, I placed my flower and ran off. Towards Laurence.


I cried. A lot. It was a really sad moment. Mainly for me. The others didn't even know Jojo for a year yet! I grew up with this loveable dog! But, when my roommate told me she was allergic, I gave Jojo away. It was the second worst day of my life. Scratch that- third. This day was second. The first...I don't want to talk about it. Ugh. Life is giving me a lemon (terrible moment) right now. So, what am I going to do with it?


When Garroth came up to me, I wasn't expecting what happened. He got his memories back. From my flower! Unbelievable! It didn't hold much of a meaning...or did it? Well, it was the flower I gave him, well, it was the flower u gave him graduation day. He put a petal on the back of a picture of us. I don't know what he did with it. Also, the flower was the color of my eyes, for Garroth to remember me by if anything happened. He kept it in a brown base in his room. Since, brown is my favorite color! Well, he came up and told me of his memory gain. I was shocked and asked one question. " you forgive me yet, dearie?" I saw Robin flich when I said dearie...wonder why...
Garroth's response to my asking of forgiveness was...


...I will forgive you Laurence. But...I'll never forget.

1068 words. OMGYAS!
Well. That's all for now fans. I will do a sequel sometime in the not so far future! Stay tuned!


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