Chapter 2- Night at the night club

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We arrive at Trilogy night club and Harsh shouts 'Surprise!' with enthusiasm of a kid who just found a present under the Christmas tree.

It is a surprise apparently but it is so obvious for the reason that Harsh loves to party and his go to place in the weekends should be night clubs. I am not a party person, I don't drink, not because I don't like to but because I'm scared of the stupid things I do and say, when I get drunk. I sound stupid when I try to start a conversation with a stranger even when I am in my complete senses so I can't imagine making conversations when I'm drunk! Basically, I am a socially awkward person.

We enter and take seats by the bar. Harsh orders his Gin and Tonic for himself and a Virgin Sangria for me. Our usual practice at a night club is to get seated in a corner and enjoy watching people dance their hearts out. I love dancing but only when there is no audience.

We sway to the music and click pictures using crazy snapchat filters in that little corner of ours. All I need to have a good time is good music, nice drink and my best friends with whom I can be myself without having the fear of being judged.

After two drinks Harsh gets a little high and moves on to the dance floor knowing that I would never get on the dance floor. I stay where I am and watch him dance. He is a good dancer. He signals me to get another drink for him.

I collect his drink and take a step back carefully with the full glass in hand and bump into a tall person with a strong physic, I turn to apologise and accidentally spill the drink on his shoes. I start to panic like crazy. I rise my head up to look at him and I panic more.

I can't believe what I am seeing! Sidharth Freaking Malhotra is standing in front of me staring into my eyes! I wouldn't have noticed it was him from a distance. He is wearing a baseball cap (to cover his face maybe), a simple navy blue t-shirt with a leather jacket. I stand there numb looking at him not knowing what to do and then realise that I should apologise.

"I'm sorry, really very sorry..."

He helds my shoulders and looks in my eyes "It's okay, not your fault. I was looking elsewhere and bumped into you. Relax." And smiles.

I relax a bit seeing him smile.

"Can I buy you a drink?....Cuz I spilled yours..." He asks.

Me being me, without thinking "No thanks. I ruined your shoes, sorry again."

"Don't worry. They are stain proof."

Harsh comes and is also shocked to see who I was talking to.

"This is my friend Harsh." I introduce, as if he is interested!

"I think you forgot to introduce yourself!"

Right, how can I do anything right!

"Oh yeah! I'm Ananya."

He puts his hand forward. I extend my hand reluctantly. He shakes my hand and looks right into my eyes and smiles again and I stare at him with puppy eyes like a fan girl.

"Want to dance?" He asks.

I look at Harsh with a confused look and find the same look on his face.

"I...I can't dance." I lie, even though I would die for a dance with him. I can't make a fool out of myself. And why the hell does he want to dance with ME?

"It's alright. Even I'm not a great dancer."

Not knowing what else to say I accept his offer.

He takes my hand and leads me towards the dance floor. I look over to see harsh, he prompts 'all the best' and winks.

'This is what you came for' by Calvin Harris is playing as we stepped onto the dance floor. He places my hand on his shoulder and his hand on my waist very consciously. We start to move from side to side and my eyes are fixed on the ground. I can feel his eyes on me but decide that it is better to stare at the ground than to stare at him and embarrass myself.

We dance for more than 5 mins and neither does he speak a word nor do I.

A man comes rushing towards us and whispers something to Sidharth, who I think is his manager.

"Give me 5 minutes." He says to the man.

He waits for him to leave and turns towards me "I need to rush but before I go, can I have your number?"


"Can I have your....number...?"

I can't believe anything that has happened today! First, I bump into Sidharth Malhotra! Then he asks me to dance with him! And now he wants my number?! What is happening? Is this some kind of a prank for a reality show?

I look around to check if there are any cameras shooting me.

"Hey, is everything okay? What are you looking for?" asks a confused Sidharth looking around too.

"Why do you want my number?"

"So that I can keep in touch with you...See, I have to really rush so..."


He hands me his phone and I punch in my number.

"I will call or message you. Bye."

He walks away towards exit and I stand still on the dance floor looking at him leave, trying to take in everything that has happened tonight.

Hello peeps!

I don't know if you guys are liking my story so far. Please vote and comment if you like it. I am planning to continue this story only if you guys want to read it.

I'm sure there are lots of grammatical mistakes and my writing may not be that good so please comment and tell me if you think any changes are needed to be made in my writing.

Okay. Thanks. Bye.

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