Chapter 6 - Exploring Mumbai

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We reach Sid's place, I pay the driver his fair and walk into the building.

"Are we really going to meet Sidharth Malhotra?" Tam asks still not able to believe.

"Yes. Be cool, alright?"

We ring the door bell and Sid opens the door. He is looking adorable with wet messy hair, ripped jeans and a printed t-shirt. Looks like he just came out of the bath.

He says "hi" and as soon as he sees Tam he looks at me confused.

"This is Tamanna, my best friend. I told you about her, remember?" Hinting to why she is with me.

"Oh yeah!" Still confused. He must be wondering why she is here.

"Hello" he shakes Tam's hand.

I can see that Tam is star struck. She is just shaking his hand without uttering a word. Just staring at him.

I try to distract her "she is here to see Mumbai".

Sid's expression changes from calm to kind of angry. But he composes himself.

"Please come inside".

"Nice place" Tam says looking around the place.

This is the first time for me too at Sid's place but I was too busy thinking about how to calm him, I didn't notice how beautiful his place is.

It has a beautiful sea view. It is not a very big place but has a very good ambience. Just the way I like it, cozy and comfortable.

He pulls me aside while Tam is busy admiring his home.

"I thought WE had plans!" He said angrily.

"I'm really sorry Sid. I couldn't ditch Tam."

"So you can ditch me?" He says still annoyed.

"No, I didn't want to ditch you either. That is why I'm here".

He is very frustrated but is trying not to show it. He has every right to be! Why is it so difficult for me to say no!

"What's the plan?"

"Just exploring".

"Fine. Marine Drive?"

"Yeah!! But what if people notice you?"

"I'll take care of that".

It's 9 in the morning and the weather is just perfect today, breezy and The Marine Drive is so scenic.

We sit on the large stones Sid on my right and Tam on my left. Sid is still giving me looks. I give him a sorry face.

" I love this place" I start the conversation.

"It is the most beautiful place in Mumbai but now that you are here I can't decide what is more beautiful" Sid says staring at me. My cheeks turn red, I look at Tam and thank god she is busy taking selfies.

"When someone compliments you, you say thank you".

"Thank you" how can I remember manners when the person complimenting is Sid.

We eat bhutta, gola, play with bubbles like kids and get into the car to go for street shopping. Tam gets down the super excited and Sid grabs my hand and I turn  to look at him.

"Wait. I need to speak with you".

I tell Tam that I will join her later and get into the car.

" See, I promised you that I will show you around and I did it. Now it's your turn to keep your promise".

"What should I do?"

"You are gonna stay in Mumbai for the next 2 days and spend time with me. Only you".

"No way! I won't get leave!"

"I don't know what your gonna do." He puts his hands up in air.

"Okay. I'll see what I can do." After all even I want to spend time with him.

I call my manager and tell her that my grandpa is not doing well. Actually, he expired like years ago. Sorry grandpa. My manager without asking me any further questions, grants leave for two days.

"Done! But Tam can't know about this."


Hey peeps!

It's been very long since I last updated. Sorry for the delay. I was busy with by new job and training. Hope to update regularly.

Enjoy the chapter.

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