Chapter 5- The Plans

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I am back in Pune, doing my routine job. Bored of programming like a 2000 lines of code, I shut my laptop and look at my phone and there is a message from the only person who makes the butterflies in my stomach alive.

Hey! Whatsup? -Sid

Making non-living things work by writing in a language you don't know. May seem interesting but trust me, writing 2000 lines of code is not. -Ananya

Yes, that is how frustrated I am right now! lets make your day a little less boring. I have something planned for you this weekend. -Sid

Weekend with Sid is all I want but I have made plans with Tam (Tammana) a month ago and she is very excited for it. We planned to visit Mumbai. I can't ditch her!

By the way, Me and Sid are on nickname terms now after he insisted I call him by his nickname like all his dear ones' do *blush*

I call him immediately to tell him that I can't be with him on the weekend. He takes the call on the first ring.

"Hey Sid!" I say hesitantly.

"Hi. All fine? You sound low".

"Actually, I can't meet you this weekend".

"Why? You have to work on the weekend?"

"I have plans with my friend. I promised her that we will go to Mumbai".

"Can't you meet your friend the next weekend? I will be leaving to Bangkok next week for shoot." He asks making adorable voices.

How the hell am I supposed to say 'no' to him. That too when he asks so cutely.

"Okay..." I agree not knowing what to do.

"Great. I'm super excited." He says like a child.

"Me too..." I say thinking of what I should tell Tam.

"Bye." He hangs up.

I open my laptop and try to resume work but all that I can think of are excuses to make.

It is Saturday, I just landed in Mumbai and am waiting at the airport for Tam. Yes. I couldn't tell her. I tried but she refused to change the plan. I told her that I need to work on Saturday but she said she won't be able to come if not this weekend. I don't want to tell her about the Sid encounter on the phone.

The phone rings and it is her.

"Hey, where are you? I landed."

"I'm at Starbucks."

"I'll be there in 5."

I am at the counter picking my latte. Someone shouts 'Anniee' in my ears and I almost drop the cup in my hand.

"Tammm!" I hug her.

"Tu na rehne de! You almost ditched me."

"Sorry meri maa. Ab chale? I have to tell you something very important."

"Oooh...gossip?" He asks rubbing her hands together.

"Chalo." I drag her towards the exit.

We get ready at Harsh's place. Harsh and Vikram are out of town for a business meeting and Maya accompanied them. The boys are trying to start their business.

We take a cab and I direct the driver to Sid's place.

"Where are we going first? We will go to the beach in the night" Tam says.

"We are not going to the beach nor to any other sight-seeing places" I say not looking at her.

"where are we going then?" She asks confused.

"We are going to see Sidharth Malhotra" I reply scared.

"Is he shooting in Mumbai?" She asks excited again.

"No. I know him" I say, waiting for her reaction.

"What?!" She almost yells. Just what I expected.

"Calm down. I will explain everything" gesturing towards the driver.

"Please know him so well that you are going to meet him?" she is angry now.

"Okay. I met him last week when I was in here at a night club"

"And...Tell me everything"

I tell her every detail about our two meetings. Astonishment is clearly written on her face.

"Oh.My.God. So much happened and you didn't tell me till now".

"Sorry Tam. Trust me I wanted to tell you but I don't know where this is going. So, I thought I'll wait".

"Promise me, you won't do it again".

"I swear. You know that I can't stay without telling you anything that happens in my life. But this time, I really didn't know what to say".

"Let it go now. I can't believe I'm gonna meet Sidharth Malhotra".

We both are big Bollywood buffs. We love the same things. We crush on same people. Not ever a single days goes without speaking with each other. I wanted to tell her about Sid but I stopped myself because she will be the most happy for me. I didn't want to tell her when I myself am not certain of the future.

It's not like I'm not sure about Sid. It's because I don't know if Sid is sure. I might be over thinking but I don't want to build my expectations and then get hurt.

They say 'Love hurts'. I believe that, if there is anything that makes you the most happiest, it can also hurt you the most.

Hey peeps,

This chapter became a little deep towards the end. I love reading and writing deep stuff. Hope you guys like reading this it.

Please comment and give feedback. As it is my first time I will try to develop my writing.

Do vote and share.

Ok. Thanks. Bye.

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