Chapter 3 - The Message

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We have returned to Harsh's apartment and Harsh has been teasing me all the way!

Maya and Vikram are in the living room watching TV. As we enter "Hey! Where were you guys? We called you but you didn't answer." asks Maya. I can sense the anger in her tone.

Harsh being a master in handling such situations, "Sorry yaar...Our reservation was at 8 and you guys didn't return from work so, we had to leave without you. But guess what happened! You won't believe it!".

"What? You had lot of fun?" she says still angry.

Vikram interrupts her "We are forgiving you this time. Now tell us what happened! Sounds like there is something very big".

"We met Sidharth Malhotra at the club!"

" what?! Great! You meet all these people only when I'm not around." she says rolling her eyes.

"Shut up and let me finish!"


"He asked Ananya to dance with him! And he took her number while leaving!"

I stand there embarrassed letting Harsh tell them the story. Maya and Vikram listen with shocked expressions as Harsh tells them everything that has happened in the club.

"OMG! Why god why? Why don't such things happen to me?!" she cries.

"You have a boyfriend remember?" Vikram comments sarcastically.

"Whatever!" She is now jumping with excitement "Ananya tell me everything. Why did he ask you to dance with him? You told him you are a big fan?"

"No. I didn't tell him anything. I didn't have the courage to say that I am a fan. I was just too happy staring at him. I seriously have no idea why he asked me to dance with him!"

"He took your number na? Did he call?"

"No. And I don't think he will."

"You never know!" she smirks.

It's 2 in the night. I lay on bed trying to sleep but all I can do is think about what happened. Suddenly my phone beeps and I start to panic. I close my eyes and pray that it is not a text from him, because I don't know what to do if it is him.

I unlock the screen and there is a message from an unknown number. I open the message still praying and bam! It is from him.

Hey Ananya! This is Sidharth. We met at the night club last night, remember? -Sid

Is he kidding me! How can anyone not remember meeting him! I read the message again and again trying to think of a proper reply.

Hi. -Ananya

Hi is all I could come up with.

You're still awake? - Sid

Yes, couldn't sleep. -Ananya

And I regret sending it. He might have thought that I couldn't sleep cuz I was thinking about him. 

Sorry I had to rush but it was nice meeting you. So, I was thinking if we could meet again tomorrow? -Sid

what??!!  Did he just ask me out?! I run to the next room and try to wake up Harsh who is in deep sleep. Waking up Harsh is next to impossible. After 5 minutes and shaking him up and beating he finally wakes up.

"What yaar?"

"Get up! There is something very important." I shout.

Rubbing his eyes "Why do you have to do all the important stuff at night when everyone is asleep?"

"Shut-up ok? I got a message from Sidharth Malhotra!"

"Really? Show.." He snatches the phone from my hand now fully awake.

He reads the message and looks at me with his mouth open. "What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know."

"You must go meet him."

"What! why? I don't know what he is expecting from me..! There must me many girls ready to have flings with him. I am not one of them. You know me right?"

"Why are you getting to conclusions? Meet him and you will know what he wants."


Okay. Where do we meet? - Ananya

Great. I will send you the address in the morning. Good night :) - Sid

Good night :) - Ananya


Hey guys!

I though to include Sid and Ananya's next meeting in this chapter but it would be too long.

Next chapter will be their second meeting. I'm so excited to write the next chapter.

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