Chapter 7 - The Date

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As promised to Sid, I sent Tam home by telling that my flight got cancelled and stayed back in Mumbai. I get into my hotel room and lie down on the bed to relax and my phone starts to beep. It's a message from Sid.

Sid - My driver will come to pick you up at 10.

Ananya - okay 😊

At exactly 10 Sid's driver arrives at my door. I am ready before time unlike all the many other times and was waiting for the doorbell to ring.

The driver took me to Sid's flat. I knock the door and it opens in seconds. Sid is standing there wearing a white button down shirt paired with blue torn jeans and white tulips in hand. He looks at me from top to bottom and utters 'beautiful'. I am wearing a pink printed dress with beige high heels and a tan tote.

He takes my hand and pulls me closer to him. He hands me the flowers and whispers in my ear, 'Ready for the date?'. His breath on me makes me shiver. I look into his eyes and say 'Can't wait'. A small smile erupts on his lips.

He takes me into his home theatre and the first thing I notice is the wall with his movie collection. There is a floor sofa and on the tea table is a big bowl of popcorn and scented candles are lit here and there. I look at Sid and he says "Movie date?"

"Of course!" I take of my heels and jump on the sofa.

"You're not gonna pick a movie?"

"You pick".

He goes to the big wall and traces his fingers over the DVD's and picks one. "How about this?" He shows me the DVD of 'Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind'.

"Great". He surely has a great taste in romantic films.

He puts the DVD in the player and comes and sits next to me. "Here we go" and he plays the movie.

He hands me the big bowl of popcorn and I start munching.

The room is dark and the candles lit the room just enough to make a perfect ambience to watch a romantic film. Sid places his hand over my shoulder and I rest my head on his shoulder. He slowly pulls me closer to him until we are almost cuddling. He says "So good" as he smells my hair. "I wish we could stay like this forever. Nowhere to go, nothing to do." I nod.

We got so lost in each other's embrace that we didn't even notice that the movie was long over.

"What's the time?" Sid asks

"It's 6:30" looking at my watch.

He gets up in a hurry and pulls me up. "We have to be somewhere. We have reservations. Hurry!"

"But where?"

"You'll see."

The car stops before a restaurant. "Will you atleast now tell me where we are?"

"You see it for yourself."

It's an open roof restaurant. As we enter the manager of the restaurant welcomes us and directs us to the corner table. The table is decorated with lights and has a sea view. It's a beautiful place and surprisingly empty.

Sid pulls the chair for me like a perfect gentleman.

The waiter brings us our food and each and everything is my favourite.

"I promised you a great day, hope I kept my promise?"


"I hope you liked this place."


"Why are you so silent?"

"I love the place. Everything is according to my liking. Roof top, sea view, great" He smiles, wide after hearing the 'you'.

"Nobody has ever done something like this for me. You took out time for me from your busy schedule and I, like a idiot was making excuses."

"It's doesn't matter. What matters is that, we are here having a good time." What in the world have I done to deserve this!

"I don't deserve this love. I don't deserve you."

"Yes, you deserve much more. You are all that I need. You don't know how valuable you are. Never think less of yourself."

"Okay" I was out of words.

The waiter comes to our table with a bottle of tequila "No drinks" Sid asks him to leave.

"Wait." I stop him and ask Sid "Can I?" I am in a mood to do something exciting and I am confident enough to show him the drunk side of me.

"What?! No!"


"Have you ever tried it before?"

"Yes. Once."


"Only 2 shots, you are here to take care of me right."

"Fine. Only 2."


The waiter puts two shots and a slice of lemon on the table and leaves. I take the shots in one hand and the lemon in other. "One...Two...Three." And I gulp it in one go and lick the lemon. It was so strong, I could feel the buzz in my head.

"Are you ok?" Sid asks. He looks very concerned.

"Yes" and I take the next shot. Now I felt lightheaded and tipsy.

"Done. Happy?" Sid says while taking away the glasses infront of me even though it is empty. He looks so cute when he is caring.

"I can have one more, actually." I say just to see that worried look on his face.

"No. You already had too much." He says shaking his head.

"You know what, I don't like to drink."

"Then why did you?"

"You know why I don't like to drink? Because, I'm scared of not being in control of my actions. I'm scared of the embarrassment. But when I'm with you, I'm not scared of anything. I want to be my crazy self."

"I think we should leave."

"No. I don't want to go. Let's talk."

"We'll talk on the way." He helps me get up and takes my bag and we leave the restaurant.

Hey peeps,

I updated!!

Sorry for the late update. I'm kind of busy with work.

Next chapter will be Sid's pov. I'm super excited to write it.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please comment and vote.

Ok. Bye.

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