Chapter 8 - Drunk Night

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Sid's POV

She had the second shot and I can see that she is losing control already. I shouldn't have allowed her to drink.

"You know what, I don't like to drink." She says.

"Then why did you?"

"You know why I don't like to drink? Because, I'm scared of not being in control of my actions. I'm scared of the embarrassment. But when I'm with you, I'm not scared of anything. I want to be my crazy self."

The trust this girl has on me!! I will never break it.

"I think we should leave." Before the situation gets out of hand.

"No. I don't want to go. Let's talk."

"We'll talk on the way." I pick her up and take her to the car parking. She has been mumbling all the way.

I help her get into the passenger seat and get into the car. I just hope there is no paparazzi outside. I have no clue how this people get to know our whereabouts!

We get out of the parking lot and thankfully there is no paparazzi.

"Where are we going now?" She asked now fully high.


"No...I don't want to go home."

"Where do you want to go then?"

"Anywhere but home..."

"Enough of the adventure. You are not drinking anymore. This was the last time."

"Arg! Why? I want to get high."

"No means No"

"Why are you so scared Siddy boy...Baby boy!" She starts laughing.

Did she just call me a 'baby boy'?!

"Yes, I am scared. Ok? I don't want you to drink and that's final." She is not used to drinking and that I'm sure.

"Ok" She puts her hands up in the air.

"That's good" I love this crazy kid she becomes when she's high.

She comes closer to me, wraps her hands tightly around my bicep and lies her head on my shoulder. I plant a kiss on her forehead. "You like me a lot, no?" She asks.

"A lot" I actually wanted to say 'I don't like you, I love you. And I knew it all this while. I knew I loved you when I danced with you for the first time. I knew I loved you when you said you are not one of those girls. I knew I loved you every time you come to meet me without letting anyone know. And I know that I want to stay with you until we grow old.' but I stop myself because this is not the right time, not when she is not in her complete senses.

She opens the window and puts her head out. "Ananya, get inside. It's dangerous. Come on, close the window."

"Sid! Chill! Enjoy the breeze." I smile and let her enjoy and I enjoy looking at her.

"Siddd. I need to puke." As expected.

I hault the car to a side. She gets down and throws up. I take a bottle of water and go and held her hair back. I help her drink some water.

"Are you okay?" She nods while wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

We get inside the car. She puts her head on my shoulder again and passes out.

Is it right to take her to my apartment at this time? Or should I drop her at the hotel? But how can I leave her all alone! What if I stay with her in the hotel? Instead, I can take her home...Fine, I will take her home.

I park the car in the basement of my building. Ananya is fast asleep on my shoulder. I carefully lift her head from my shoulder and place it on the back-rest. I get out of the car, open the passenger seat and take Ananya into my arms. She places her hands around my neck. I take the basement elevator. I'm looking at her asleep in my arms and I want to take care of her for the rest of my life.

The elevator stops in my floor. I put Ananya down for a bit and open the lock. I pick her up again and take her into my bedroom. I put her down on the bed and cover her with the blanket and just watch her sleep.

I love this girl. I love her. I can't believe it. I've known her for a very short time but I am very sure about her. She is nothing like the girls who I've dated in the past. She has this innocence in her eyes, her child-like nature grabbed my attention the first time I saw her and made me approach her. She has become so important to me, I feel like I can do anything to keep her in my life.

I kiss on her forehead and get up to leave the room, She holds my hand. I turn around to see and she is still sleeping. "Don't go" she says in her sleep.

"I won't" I go and sleep beside her. She comes closer to me, puts her hand around me and her head on my chest and falls asleep comfortably. I stay awake and watch her sleep.

Hey peeps!

How are you guys doing?

Sorry, I updated late again. I start writing the next chapter as soon as I post a chapter but work keeps me busy.

It would be great if anyone of you can make a cover for this book.

And I know my writing is not that great but I'm trying my level best. If anyone want to edit it your welcome.

Please vote and comment if you like the chapter.

Ok. Bye.

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