Chapter 4 - The Meeting

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It's 10 am and I wake up to Sidharth's message with the address of a restaurant. I wear my boyfriend jeans with a white ruffle sleeve top and apply eyeliner and lip gloss. I do not want to come across desperate.

I peep into Harsh's room while leaving and find him sleeping. I decide not to wake him up. Maya is having her breakfast at the dining table. She sees me enter the hall and offers me breakfast.

"Where are you heading, all dressed up huh?"

"I got a message from Sidharth. He asked me to meet him at some restaurant."

She jumps out of the chair "He did? I told you!"


"What happened? You look confused."

"That is because I am confused. Why does he want to meet me? What if he wants to have a fling or something? I spoke about this with Harsh too."

"What did he say?"

"He said I should not assume things."

"He's right. Speak to Sidharth, if he wants something from you that you do not want, say it!"

"I'm not at all good with boys. I do not have any boy friends other than Vikram and Harsh. I don't know how to deal with them. That too this is Sidharth Malhotra we are talking about!" I blabber until Maya stops me.

"Relax. You are thinking too much. Go with the flow. You are not that bad as you think you are."

"Love you Mayu." I hug her.

"Love you more Anoo."

I reach the address Sidharth messaged me. It is a restaurant. Seeing it from outside, I understand that it must be one of the best restaurants in the city. I enter and the lady at reception welcomes me with a smile.

"May I know your name ma'am."


"Mr. Sidharth Malhotra is waiting for you ma'am." And she points to a table.
Sidharth is seated on a corner table. I can't see him as his back is facing me. The place is almost empty. It is so posh, I think I'm underdressed.

I reach closer to where he is sitting. He turns and smiles at me. Seeing his smile I relax a bit. Even he is in his casuals, blue jeans and a white t-shirt. Coincidence much! He pulls out the chair for me and then gets seated.

"Sorry, I made you wait. Actually, I'm new to Mumbai so I don't know places."

"You're not from Mumbai?" He asks, surprised.

"No. I'm from Hyderabad but I'm staying in Pune at present." He doesn't speak anything for a few seconds, he is probably thinking. The silence is scary.

The waiter arrives with the menu. Sidharth gives his order and looks at me.

"I'm fine. I don't want anything." Not because I'm not hungry, because I'm not in a condition to eat anything.

"Come on, a atleast give me company."

"Okay. I'll have a Cappuccino." I tell the waiter.

"Make it fast please." Handing the menu to the waiter. He leaves and I think I should speak something.

" I didn't tell this to you yesterday but I love your work. I have seen all your films and there is not one that I didn't like."

"Not even 'Baar Baar Dekho'?" He jokes.

"No! I actually liked it a lot." And I was serious.
"Okay. Enough about my films. Tell me something about yourself."

"Okay...I'm from a simple, South Indian family. I was born and brought up in Hyderabad. I moved to Pune 2 to 3 months back. Now I work in a software firm. That is it." She starts to say something but I stop him.

"There is something else I have to tell you...." I take a deep breath and begin "I don't know why you wanted to meet me but I want to say that I am not like the girls you usually meet."

"I didn't get it." He seemed confused.
Even though I'm scared to say this, it had to be said. "I don't do one-night stands or flings. It's not my thing." I say looking at the floor.

He laughs, "You should be happy to know that even I'm not into flings."

Now I feel very embarrassed. He notices the discomfort in my face. The waiter comes with our order. But neither of us touch it.

"Let's get serious. You must be thinking that I asked a random girl out, who I bumped into at a night club, right?" I nod.

"I understand that you have a not so good impression about movie stars. But the truth is, I was sitting across you at the night club. You were with your friend, having a good even when you are very much sober. I was sitting there and was watching you all that time. Wait, that guy with you yesterday, he is not your boyfriend, right?"

"No. He is not." I chuckle, he relaxes.

"I must be sounding very creepy right now but I don't know...I think I was attracted to you."

What? Sidharth Malhotra was attracted to ME! I suddenly remember all the crazy antics I have done last night from doing my crazy moves to making stupid faces, thinking that no one was watching me. I am so stupid!

"I came to the bar to speak with you and then you bumped into me. Things got easy for me."
I was just listening to him with a blank face.

"Say something." He says.

"I don't know what to say."

"All I want is to get to know you. Lets keep in touch and see how it will go". "Only if you want to."

"But I don't stay here."

"Pune is only 5 hrs away. We can meet in the weekends. What do you say?"

"Okay. But if it comes in media and all, my parents will get really worried."

"Don't worry. I will make sure that no one will know."


Hey peeps,
I was very excited to write this chapter. Hope you like it.

How many of you thought Baar Baar Dekho was good? I liked it very much. The director tried to make a different movie. I didn't think it was bad at all.

Comment and vote if you like the story.

And please do share the story if you think it deserves to be shared.

Ok. Thanks. Bye.

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