Chapter 2

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Sam wished he could think of something to say so that he could stay and evaluate this "TARDIS," as the woman called it, plus he wanted to wait for Al to come and explain it for him. Ziggy would probably know what it was. He just had to drag his feet and wait for Al to come. Sometimes it took a while for them to find him, so he'd understand if he couldn't get there until later- unless he was in the future. They could take a longer time to find him or maybe they never would! Could he leap without Al to tell him what to do?

"What do you mean Ziggy's got nothing?" Al exclaimed, royally frustrated with everyone except Sam at the moment. Although, upon finding him, he could be annoyed with him as well. 

"I mean she won't give me any information!" said the voice on the other side of the waiting room door: Gushie. "She keeps saying the same thing!"

"And what might that be?" Al raised his eyebrows even though Gushie couldn't see him.

"The blue box," he replied.

"That's it!" the Doctor exclaimed. "That's my ship- my spaceship! Everybody calls it that, because that's what it looks like from the outside, but actually-"

"How can it be your ship? You fly around in a kinky little box?"

"It's not just a box," he argued. "Ask Sam what he thinks of it. He's probably seen it by now-oh. I hope he's not too shocked about it." The Doctor stared into the distance, and frowned in a thoughtful sort of way. "Martha would know it's not me if he started asking questions about it."

"That's gonna be the first thing he does. Hopefully she'll be cool with it, and yeah, I'd like to tell Sam, but we don't know where he is, you don't know either, Ziggy's out for the count, I'm stuck with you, and you're not giving me any useful information!" If looks could kill, Al would have killed the Doctor soon after he said something about being an alien.

The Doctor pursed his lips and then bared his teeth in thought, struggling to come up with a reasonable explanation that they could understand. He looked at the ceiling and crossed his arms, but not in an agressive or arrogant way. He inhaled through gritted teeth before saying, "You know how, if you were to explain this Project Quantum Leap to someone out side the project, they probably wouldn't understand and they'd think you're nuts?"

"I guess." Al narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"I'm trying to explain my life to you but you don't entirely believe me. It's all real- I promise- and it's all completely scientific, I assure you. It's just a little... advanced."

"So I'm supposed to believe you're an alien that travels through time and space in a box?" Al chuckled. 

"I'm supposed to believe you have a man leaping around time!" the Doctor retorted playfully.

Al had turned around so as to leave and was about to come up with a snappy comeback on his way out but then he heard a noise from the Doctor that sounded like a strangled grunt of pain. He whipped back around to see what could possibly be the matter and saw him holding his head with one hand, eyes closed tight. When he noticed that Al was staring at him, he returned to normal and continued to try and explain his situation.

"Have one of your doctors run a physical on Sam when they find him," he commanded assertively. "I can guarantee you will find a certain something out of the ordinary. I'm not a human, I promise, and I've got a few physical differences that aren't always easy to see but they make a huge difference. You'll probably only see the obvious one but that's usually enough. Funny story about that-"

"Alright, alright, I'll have somebody run a physical later. Let me go see if Ziggy's got anything." Al stared at him for a few more moments, feeling slightly concerned, but there didn't seem to be anything wrong so he turned back around.

Quantum Leap/Doctor Who: The Silence of the AngelWhere stories live. Discover now