Chapter 8

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Martha and Haimund Erik Logan Porter began their search for the Doctor. They started around where Martha had seen him previously, including near the TARDIS (but not too close so that Haimund wouldn't see it) but to no avail. They then went to town, which would have been a fantastic place to search earlier, back when he had been wandering for about three hours, but he wasn't there now. They searched for about three hours before they got close to locating him. It was only when they headed off toward Haimund's new house- apartment, rather. He lived there with Bela- or "Tem," as which she had been known since moving here so no one would mistake her for her past self. On the way, Haimund noticed something.

"Hey, there's some bloke just lying on the ground! Come on, miss, we gotta help him!" He rushed over to him, Martha close behind. When she saw his face, her breath caught in her throat. It was the Doctor. A huge, dark bruise was forming on his forehead, which was evidently the cause of his unconsciousness. The handgun lying on the ground in front of him was evidently the cause of his bruised head. His sonic screwdriver was on the ground a few inches away from his hand.

"Doctor!" Martha exclaimed as she took his hand and checked his pulse. At least he was alive. However, she didn't like what she saw there. Obviously someone had meant to shoot her; the safety was off on the gun and it was loaded. Since he had his sonic out, she knew he must have used it to do something to the gun, and that was probably why they threw it at him. She also knew something about the shooter; he or she wasn't a murderer. A murderer would have taken the gun with them. A murderer would have made sure he was dead before leaving him here. A normal person would have run away and left crucial evidence because they were scared of what they would become, as they did. "Doctor?" She tried shaking him gently to see if he would wake up, keeping in mind that he must have a minor concussion (at least) judging by the large bruise. She pulled back his eyelids and saw that he definitely was unconscious and showed no signs of waking.

"Think we can move 'im, miss?" he asked.

Martha looked over him thoroughly before answering, "Yes, as long as you're careful of his head. You grab his legs. How far is your place?"

"I think we'll need a cab. Yeah, we really will; we can't carry him all the way there. 'Fraid he'll get worse by then. We've gotta hurry, don't we? Something could be wrong, yeah?"

"Probably. He could have some problems with his head when he wakes up."

" 's what I thought. Tem and me are staying at Kayshas Cottage. We're renting but soon we'll buy it, once we have the money. It's a few miles that way," he said, pointing west. "She'll be right pleased to see you two again."

"Let's get to the road so we can hail a cab," Martha said. She made sure his head stayed in the same position it had been in when he was lying on the ground so nothing would happen between now and the time when he got to Haimund and Tem's cottage, if anything was going to happen. She didn't even know that something was wrong, so why worry so much? Well, it was possible that there was something wrong. After all, most people would end up concussed after getting hit in the head with a gun. She asked Haimund, "Is there a hospital nearby?"

"Well, yeah, every city like this's got a hospital, but maybe you should check 'im out at our place before you go rushing off. 'S possible he doesn't have anything wrong and we can heal him up ourselves without paying all kinds of money. I do recall that you two don't have much money, am I right?"

"Yeah, you are- do you have money for a cab?" Martha suddenly thought aloud as they carried the Doctor to the nearest busy street.

He laughed and said, "Yes, I have. I thought we might have that money issue again so I brought some just in case."

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