Chapter 12

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Al appeared right outside of Suleta's mom's car. The girl was playing with an old Wolverine acton figure, or at least it was old to Al. Actually, the figure was brand new. Al noticed how strange the girl looked, playing with an action figure and wearing pink shorts with a flowery top. He knew Sam would have loved to see this: a parent letting her kid play with and wear whatever she wanted even if it wasn't "for girls." 

He looked around, making sure the weeping angel wasn't around. So far, he couldn't see it and was slightly relieved, but he knew it wouldn't be long before it showed up. "Ziggy... how much longer until it happens? .... Four minutes? That's it? And it's just the girl, right? Okay, good.... then how does the mother get away? Yeah, I didn't think you would know. Um.... Ziggy, how do I protect her if I can't do anything to the angels and the Doctor isn't awake and I can't talk to anyone useful?.... Come on, there must be something I can do!" 

Suleta's mom stopped the car in their driveway and got out so she could help her daughter out of her car seat. Suleta continued to play with her toy as her mother struggled to undo the seat's latches, much to her frustration. 

"Would you hold still?" she said in an annoyed but fond tone. Suleta was clearly too busy to answer. Once she could get out, she immediately attempted escape but she was not yet used to her prosthetic leg so she nearly tripped. Her mother caught her before she fell and held her hand (the one not occupied by Wolverine) to help her balance. 

"Ziggy, can you find the angel?" Al asked as he fidgeted with his hand link. 

"Yes, Admiral. It's behind you," Ziggy replied. 

Al had no time to react. The angel simply went through him, not quite walking but not running- just moving at an alarming rate. As it would not stop if he looked at it, he had to look on while it headed toward Suleta and her mother. Fortunatly for them, Suleta turned her head to look in that direction. It stopped immediately. 

"Mum," she tugged at her mother's arm to get her attention. "What's that?" 

"What's what, dear?" She looked at the weeping angel. She narrowed her eyes in confusion and replied, "It looks like an angel statue, honey, but I don't know how it got there. Must be new. Come on, let's go inside," she said as she continued toward their front door. 

"Suleta, stop!" Al shouted without thinking. He ran through the statue and waved his arms to get her attention. He certainly got it; Suleta was now looking at  him with wide, curious, chocolate-colored eyes. Al's heart was racing; what if he couldn't get her to stare at it without blinking? What then? Would he just have to watch as she was snatched from existance, with her mother right there? What if it got her mother next? Did Ziggy say they both disappeared? He had forgotten, but that wasn't important now. He could change that. He could save her. "Suleta," he continued, "listen to me-" 

"Who are you?" she asked. 

"Sweetie, nobody's there. Come inside." 

"Don't take your eyes off me. Do you hear me?" he commanded. His voice was filled with fear and almost manic urgency, which unnerved Suleta, causing her to pay more attention to him. As he was standing directly in front of the angel, it would stay still if she looked at him; he wasn't really there. "I'm Al. You have to look at me, okay? Don't go inside. Stay here and look at me until I can get this sorted out, okay?" 


"Can you just trust me?" His heart was racing, sweat trickling down his forehead and eyes darting around, trying to think up a plan. Sam should be here! He would think of something! Heck, even the Doctor could think of something to get them out of this, but he wasn't supposed to disturb him and the other Doctor was unconscious. Martha and Haimund couldn't hear him. How could he get her out of this? 

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