Chapter Sixteen

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April bumped into Roger in woolies a month later. They hadn't had much contact since the dinner at Romans,  but he was always checking up on her. Roger would drop by sometimes with food for April knowing well enough she had cravings or would just drop by to see her. Of course, April wouldn't let his visits be anything other than visits.


"Hi" she muttered back scavenging the shelves for something. Her face lit up as she pulled a packet out a few minutes later.

Chocolate chip cookies. He noticed a tub of chocolate ice cream already in her basket.

Roger let out a small laugh, chocolate chip cookies were Aprils favourite snack whenever it was that time of the month. Must be one of the foods she craves right now though.

"How'd you get here?" Roger asked. Sefa had borrowed her car for the past few days so he was curious if she was here with someone. Maybe even a guy...

"I walked"

Seriously A ? It's like forty degrees outside

"I'll drop you home then"

"I'm fine" she kindly rejected and turned around towards the check-out. As she was reaching for her wallet, Roger slipped a twenty-dollar bill into the cashier's hand.

"I got it" he smiled grabbing the bag. The cashier admired what she thought was a healthy & romantic marriage.

"What are you doing ?"

"Like it or not, I still love you & we're raising a baby together" he winked guiding her to his car.

April punched herself in the face mentally for complying but there was no harm in forming a friendship, seeing as they were bonded together for the rest of their lives.

Instead of dropping April home, Roger drove to his house to begin his devious plan to slowly win her back.

"I want to go home" She refused to leave the van.

"Your ice creams melting" he yelled from the front door.

"Bring me a spoon"

He shook his head, no. She groaned after a few minutes realising she was burning like an oven and walked inside behind him. Also, her ice cream was melting.

He smiled guiding her towards the living room then leaving to grab her a spoon.

"I'm only here to finish my food then you can drop me off or else I'm leaving " she muttered snatching the spoon out of his hand and flicking open her container of ice cream to eat.

He turned on the ac & Netflix on the tv, then proceeded to take off his shirt leaving him in a basketball singlet.

"Uh no, sit your ass over there and let me eat my ice cream in peace" April pointed to a couch on the other side of the living room. He smirked retreating to the couch and dropping onto it.

He put on the first episode of 'The Get Down'.

Not even five minutes and April was already sleeping, her ice cream tub demolished with small specks of cookies around her mouth.

Roger smiled whipping her mouth clean with his shirt and covering her with a thin blanket. He turned off the tv and proceeded to the other couch to sleep. lol niqqa wasn't gna try anything tonight, just wanted to enjoy her pure presence.

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