if you love me, don't let go

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Okay guys! New chapter up! Its a little short, but the ending has a cliffhanger and I'm already writing the next chapter, which should be uploaded in the next few days! I think a lot of you will like where it ends/ hate me for leaving it there but I promise the next one will be up quickly. Please leave feedback (especially on the ending) because I'd love to know how you guys like the story so far! I love reading all of your comments! They are so sweet! Love you all so much xx

The bang of the toilet lid was loud in her ears as she upended anything left in her stomach into the bowl. The force of his words had worked to make her physically sick. She gagged, sobbing into her arms, trying to get her breathing back under control. On shaky legs she pushed herself up, walking towards the sing to wash out her mouth. He couldn't... He could do that. That was their baby! It was their baby...

The thought brought fresh tears to her eyes as she stumbled over to the bed, curling up tightly and sobbing into the pillow. He was lying, he had to be lying. He must know how much it meant...how much it had meant to her. It was him dealing with his own hurt, thats all. He'd be up here before she knew it to say sorry. He would!

But deep down she knew he wasn't. His face, the anger in his eyes. This was real and he was serious. There was no more jokes. She rolled away, his smell on the pillow was making her sick. He was making her sick. She killed their baby and he had killed her.

She wanted to scream at him, to shake him and hit him across his stupid face. This wasn't a petty criminal, it wasn't a heist gone wrong, it wasn't even the bat. If they had killed any one else, she probably would have laughed. Told them they had it coming. This was an innocent. This was a child. And despite the fact she knew she was a monster, it didn't mean that her maternal instinct had completely disappeared. She lever let J hurt children. That was one thing she wouldn't do. The only thing she couldn't sleep with at night. They were pure, they were innocent.

She wan't at their age. But that wasn't entirely her fault. Not with a father who was drunk more than sober and a mother who was drugged up or never home. She was never really a child, not like they were. She was always "Mama's good big girl", cooking the dinner and taking it to the boys or "Daddy's good big girl", running down to the corner store to pick up more beers so he could completely forget she existed. And this, this baby, might have been a way for her to make something right. To really protect and care for something, to have a real, genuine purpose aside from all the fun and games.

But she had gone and thrown it all away. She should have been more careful, she should have known earlier, taken more pills, just something! Anything to erase what happened on the floor of the bathroom, anything to go back.

And she needed him. She needed him to hold her, to kiss her, to help her mourn. Not to shut her off, ice her out, act like nothing happened. Because it did! No matter if he wanted to believe it or not. But the way he had talked to her, the way he had turned to her and said it, she almost couldn't bare it!

She looked around the room anxiously, the walls seemed to be closing in around her, his laughter seeping in through the paint. Its' dead, I won't have you talking about it again, Its dead.

She covered her ears, but it did nothing to keep the voices away. She couldn't stand it! That wasn't true!

You killed it! You killed it!

She screamed taking a hold of the lamp beside the bed and hurling it at the wall, watching as it shattered. It did nothing to deter the laughter as it mocked her.

Silly girl, silly girl, silly girl.

The metallic smell was in her nose again and her stomach clenched.

It's dead, its dead, its dead.

She couldn't stay here, she couldn't stay here with him. If the baby was gone and he refused to accept it, then she would go too. What else did she have? What else was there to do? She couldn't forget it. She couldn't pretend that it was nothing and resume smiling and laughing like before. It wouldn't be the same, how could he think that? How could he wipe their baby from his mind?

She reached for the phone with shaking hands, dialling the number slowly. She waited desperately, her breathing unsteady as the phone rang eternally. This was silly, she was silly. What was she thinking?

She was about to hang up as the call was answered.

"Hello?" came the slightly southern drawl from the end of the line.

"Red?" she asked shakily. "P..Please, I need you to come and get me."

"Stay there, lock the door, I'm coming now." came the reply before the line went dead.

*runs away and hides* Please dont kill me! New update coming soon! xx

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