you're gone. come back.

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Hi guys! Here is the next chapter! I hope you all enjoy it! It will start to get interesting/heated in the next few chapters as some characters clash!

Let me know what you all think/what you want or think will happen next! xx Lots of love!


The next few days were unpredictable. Pamela couldn't know what would make Harley upset or angry. When the sound of children crying played on the television, it had sent her running to the kitchen to throw up all the food Ivy had spent hours coaxing into her. When she tried to comfort her, Harley spun around, blinded by rage, lashing out, telling Pamela to leave her alone. These outbursts were often followed by floods of tears and Ivy having to spend hours running her hand through Harley's hair and explaining to her that she knew she didn't mean it, that she wasn't going to hate her until Harley drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

But the nights were the worst. Pamela dreaded the time where she would have to tuck her into bed. It wouldn't take long for Harley to start tossing and turning, whimpering and crying out in her sleep. Pamela sometimes couldn't wake her, leaving her trapped in her horrific dreamland, hopeless to end her suffering.

Finally, with either a gasp or a scream, Harley would wake, her body shooting forward as she darted to the bathroom. Pamela would follow, blearily wrapping her robe around herself to crouch beside the small shaking girl, kissing her head and holding her close. Sometimes there was blood so Ivy would guide her into the shower to get clean before stripping the bed and changing the sheets to prevent Harley from getting upset. It was the same routine. Every day. Every night.

But on Monday morning Pamela woke up in the bed alone. Sun was streaming through the window and she rolled over to try and fall back asleep. She reached her hand over to try and feel Harley's warmth only to feel the cold mattress beside her. She started, sitting up. The clock beside the bed flashed 10:47. She never slept this late. Where was Harley? Oh god, where was she?!

Pamela sprung up, racing into the living room, eyes darting around, searching for her.

"You're up"

Ivy turned, catching sight of Harley in the kitchen. She exhaled, wrapping her arms around her torso.

"Harley. You scared me." she said, walking over to her.

Harley shrugged, scooping the eggs out of the pan and onto the plate.

"You've been exhausted. I've been keeping you up all night. You needed to sleep Red"

Ivy scoffed. "I don't need sleep Harl's, I just need to know you're okay"

Harley looked up at her blankly. "Yes you do. Its unhealthy not to sleep. You'll make yourself sick if you don't sleep."

"Yeah, thanks doctor" she remarked sarcastically. Harley flinched and Ivy sighed. It was too soon.

"I'm sorry" she said softly, walking around to touch Harley's hand softly. She didn't flinch or pull away, just looking up at Ivy with big sad eyes.

"It's okay" she said softly, leaning against her.

Ivy put a hand around her shoulders, pulling her close. Harley sighed and relaxed into the embrace. She turned, smiling up at Pamela.

"I feel better today" she said quietly, fidgeting slightly.

Ivy smiled. "I'm happy to hear that" she replied.

Harley giggled a little, taking her plate and walking over to the couch. Ivy followed after pouring herself some juice. The two of them sat there, laughing occasionally as the cartoon characters ran across the screen. Harley was feeling better, and that made Pamela's heart soar. She did that. She fixed her.


The smell of alcohol permitted the entire house. His hair, his clothes, his skin reeked of it. He hadn't changed his clothes since she had gone, having no motivation to do anything apart from destroy their home. Doors had been torn off their hinges, tables upturned, the grand piano had been taken apart so he could lay among the pieces. Something that had once made such wonderful music had been damaged by nothing apart from his own hands.

And that made him laugh. He had done that. Him. Just like he had caused Harley to leave. He did that too. Why did she have to leave him? Why? Why!

He stood up, his rage spurring him forward as he stumbled across the room, wanting to hit something. The wall was his closest target and he grunted as his bruised knuckles came in contact with the bricks. He wanted her back here. He needed her.

He walked slowly to his study, the only room which had remained untouched. He sat at his desk, running his hands through his hair. Why would she want to come back to him? Why would he want him? After what he did. To her. To them. To their child.

But he had to get her. Whether by her own will to return or by force, he didn't care. Harley was his. No one else would have her. He reached for his phone, fumbling with it momentarily before his eyes focused. He brought up the message, typing, erasing, rewriting before finally clicking send. He hissed, placing the phone face down on the desk. He needed to shower. He needed to sleep. He would see what she said once he woke up. He pushed the chair back, wandering out of the room to the bathroom, stepping under the hot stream of water to clean himself of the drunken haze before quietly laying down on the bare bed and falling asleep.


Pamela had dosed off again, her head resting lightly on Harley's shoulder. She was exhausted and Harley knew she didn't sleep at night because she as worrying about her. So she was quite happy to let her sleep now. She continued to watch the screen absently, enjoying feeling the warmth of Pamela beside her. A vibration beside her leg caused her to look down. She picked up her phone turning it over. Looking at the screen, she froze.

'I'm sorry. I need you. Come home to me.'

She put the phone down and looked back at the television, not watching the show anymore. A familiar fluttering started in her chest and she squirmed a little. Biting her lip she looked back over at Ivy, brushing a red curl out of her face. What would she do?

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