he holds my body in his arms, he didn't mean to do no harm

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Hello again! I told you I wouldn't be leaving you for long! I have so much muse for this story and I was so happy/excited to write this today! Thankyou so much for your lovely feedback on last chapter and I hope you enjoy this one too! 

As a song suggestion for this chapter, I would say you should listen to the acoustic version of 'Murder Song' by Aurora Aksnes which is one of my faves! So beautiful and haunting! 

So without further ado, here is the new chapter!

The knock of the door startled him more than it should have. He stood up, walking down the hallway and undoing the latch. He blinked as the light flooded into the dark house. A familiar floral scent filled his nostrils through the stench of alcohol. Shit.

Pamela Isley looked down at him, her eyes hard, a smug smile playing on her lips.

"Drinking in the middle of the day J?" she asked cooly "You must have beat her up pretty bad this time if she's actually calling me."

His blood ran cold. Harley had called her? She couldn't...she wouldn't..

Satisfied with his reaction, Ivy stepped inside, her hight matching the Jokers. He couldn't dominate her like he did to small Harley. His intimidation didn't work. She wasn't vulnerable to his advances, especially not when he was like this.

"Harley!" She called "Come on babydoll, lets go!"

He heard the door upstairs creak open and the small frame of Harley appear in the doorway. Her eyes were red from her tears, his pillow clutched in front of her as a makeshift shield. That was his baby. She was going to take away his baby.

"Ivy" he growled, staggering towards her. "She stays with me. You don't touch her."

Ivy rolled her eyes. He was drunk. Very drunk. He couldn't stop her. She pushed him back lightly, causing him to stumble against the wall, proving to Harley that she could protect her, that The Joker wouldn't touch her. Harley nodded tearily, hiccuping a little as she hurried down the stairs and into Ivy's arms.

The redhead relaxed at the feeling of the blonde jester pressed against her, casting a glance to meet The Joker jealous gaze. Finally. Harley had chosen her for once.

"Lets go sweetheart" Ivy crooned, draping an arm over Harley's shaking shoulders as the blonde nodded. She began walking slowly, leading her out to the car.

"Harley..." The Joker croaked, making a cry catch in her throat and causing her to burry her face in the pillow. "Harley.."

Ivy quickly moved her outside and closed the door hard, locking him and his pitiful wails inside. There would be no more of that. No more of him. Just her and Harley.


Harley had sobbed the whole way home, and Ivy hadn't been able to get a word out of her about what had happened. She glanced over her body. There hadn't seemed to be any new bruises, no cuts, no scrapes. So what was it that had effected her so much that she felt the need to call?

Not that Pamela minded. She secretly loved it when Harley needed, always content to play the hero and rush to her side, to hold her and promise everything would be alright. It was her secret. Her filthy little secret.

She had helped Harley inside and onto the bed. She was shaking and crying uncontrollably, muttering something about how it was all her fault and that he didn't want her anymore. Pamela's brow furrowed in confusion. She pulled the blonde close and rubbed soothing circles on her back, trying to calm her down. Her tears slowly ceased, an occasional whimper of pain coming from her slumped form. Pamela untangled her long legs and crawled around to sit in front of her, lifting her chin up with a finger, studying her red eyes and swollen lips.

"Harley, I need you to talk to me, I need you to tell me whats wrong baby"

Harley flinched, her hands clenching into fists, nails digging deeply into her skin.

"Don't say that.." she whispered. Pamela reached down to unclench her fingers, not wanting her to hurt herself.

"Bab-" she started before she was cut off

"I said dont say that!" she screamed, burring her head in her hands, crying once more.

Ivy's eyes widened, a little taken aback by Harley's outburst, but she said nothing pulling her close to hug her. Harley whimpered, pulling away after a while.

"It hurts" she stammered, nuzzling into Pamela's shoulder. Ivy began slowly running her fingers through Harley's hair, untangling some of the knots.

"Where honey?" she asked, kissing her head. "You have to tell me where so I can help"

Harley looked up at her with big glassy eyes and moved her hand down to her stomach. Ivy went to look down at it, lifting up Harley's shirt a little, expecting to see a bruise or a cut. But alas there was nothing. She frowned, looking at Harley. She didn't understand. There was something missing. Harley wouldn't be upset like this over being sick or a few cramps.

Pamela looked back at Harley, tears forming again in her eyes. She had hoped she would have know, that somehow she would understand without Harley having to say it.

"I lost it" she whimpered, looking down and letting a tear drip off the end of her nose. "I killed it."

"What honey?" Ivy pressed, eager to find up what was tearing her beloved clown apart "What are you talking about?"

"The baby" Harley whispered, still looking down. "I lost our baby. I killed our baby."

Ivy tensed. A baby? Harley was going to have a baby? She didn't think it was possible, not after the acid and all of the abuse her body endured. Thats probably what cased her to.. It didn't matter. It didn't matter. Harley needed her.

She leaned forward, scooping the trembling girl up in her arms, soothing her softly.

"This wasn't your fault Harley" she said firmly, rubbing her back in small circles. "You didn't do anything wrong. This wasn't your fault."

"B..b..But it was!" she stammered, finally wrapping her arms around Pamela's torso to respond to the hug. "I killed it.. a..and he got so angry.. And told me it never happened...and not to talk about it! He hates me..and there was so much blood and-" She was cut off by her own cries, the hysteria taking over and preventing her from talking. Ivy comforted her as best she could, whispering softly to her and alternating between holding her closely and rubbing her back. Harley had calmed down sufficiently before she spoke again.

"Harley, listen to me. Are you listening?" Pamela said, pulling back a little to look at her face.

The blonde nodded, hiccuping a little as she hugged the pillow closely to herself.

"This wasn't your fault. None of this was your fault. Sometimes this happens, okay? Sometimes no-one is to blame. It just wasn't ready. The baby just wasn't ready. You can't blame yourself honey. There was nothing you could have done."

Harley nodded and whimpered a little, reaching up her arms to Pamela, who hugged her tightly.

"Thanks Red" she whispered tiredly, her body growing heavy. She was exhausted, the crying taking all the energy out of her.

"C'mon honey, climb under the covers. You need rest." Ivy said, pulling back the sheets to allow Harley to climb under. She whined a little, quickly settling as Ivy kissed her head.

"Go to sleep, I'll come in with you later."

Harley nodded, her eyes already half closed as sleep took hold of her. Pamela left the room, walking to the kitchen and just standing there. How was she going to pick up the pieces this time?

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