i'm stupid, i'm staying

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Hi guys! Sorry this hasn't been updated in forever! I'll be trying to update more often but sometimes my muse just isn't with me! I'm really lacking ideas or Harley&Joker oneshots, so if you guys have any requests, feel free to message me here or on my Instagram drharls !

Hope you enjoy this chapter, the next one is going to be full of angst, so prepare yourselves and your tissues (kidding, but not really) Hopefully it will be up soon!

Lots of love as always! Please comment and let me know what you think!

'I'm sorry. I need you. Come home to me.'

The afternoon air was crisp on Harley's face as she walked down the street. She had taken one of Pamela's scarfs to keep her face and neck warm. The familiar scent was helping to keep her calm. The took a deep breath and continued walking. Everyone in the street seemed to be staring at her as she passed them. She cast her eyes downwards, trying to avoid their gaze. The judgement. The shame.

"How could she be going back to him? After all that?" she heard one woman whisper, snickering to the other lady beside her

"And leaving Pamela at this hour of the morning. She'll be sick with worry" another man sneered as he passed her, sipping at his coffee.

"Why does she do it? Why does she continue to go back to a man who doesn't really care?" the small child on the moving horse asked her grandmother. "Because she's a silly girl" the older woman replied, happily smiling at the small child. "A silly girl who will never learn."

Harley pulled the scarf up tighter around her neck. She didn't want to hear any more. She didn't want to listen to this. It wasn't true! He did love her, in his own special way. He just got angry sometimes, that's all. He couldn't help it. He couldn't help it.

She shivered, increasing her pace. She just wanted to get there. She didn't want to listen to them anymore.


Harley didn't remember the door being that tall. She felt so small looking up at it now. Her hand went up instinctively to knock. She banged on the wood three times, hard enough to cause her hand to sting. She stepped back. Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe she should have just stayed with Red. She was just about to turn away from the door and scurry back when she heard the sound of the lock turning. The familiar squeak of the hinges made her look up.

He was there in front of her, his pale eyes tired, his skin glistening under a thin layer of sweat. It was like he didn't even see her standing there, like he was looking straight through her. She didn't know what to say, how to face him. He called her back here and couldn't even speak to her. She knew there was a reason she called Pam. She knew there was a reason why she left.

"You came" he said softly. Harley hadn't noticed him moving towards her. She nodded silently, watching him closely. His hand ghosted over her cheek, making her flinch a little. He pulled the scarf down from around her mouth, studying her face like he hadn't seen her in years.

"Can I come inside?" she asked quietly, shivering a little out in the cold. He nodded, stepping aside so that she could come in. She entered the house, eyes trailing over the destruction. That was going to take forever for her to clean.

He watched her carefully, her body guarded, her eyes wary. He did that. He made her this way. So he decided to fix her the only way he knew how.

He gripped her shoulders roughly and spun her around, ignoring the way she flinched under his touch and crashed his lips to hers. She tensed momentarily until he placed his hands on her waist possessively and she melted under his touch, her hands cupping his face as she responded to the kiss eagerly. He growled happily, feeling the life come back to her. This was his Harley.

He ripped the scarf from around her neck. He didn't want anyone's scent on her but his own. Harley didn't seem to care, breaking the kiss to look up at him.

"I missed you" she whispered breathlessly. "I was thinking about you the whole time"

He smiled down at her. "I know you couldn't stay mad at me for long" he purred, leaning down to kiss her again, lighter this time.

She hummed happily, snuggling into his chest. His hands went down to rest lightly on her stomach. The thoughts of why she left in the first place came rushing back to his mind. He felt her tense under his touch. She remembered too.

"Don't worry" she said "I wont mention-"

"We can try again Harley" he said seriously, looking down at her carefully. Sh looked into his eyes, assessing the situation. Was this a method of pacifying her, to brush the conversation away? She saw no trace of deception in his eyes. Maybe he meant this.

"Really?" she breathed in disbelief

He nodded, leaning down to gather her in his arms. He couldn't loose her again. Not for another hour. He wouldn't be without her. If it meant that much to her, if she really wanted a child, he's kill everyone in the world to make it happen. Her squeal took him by surprise as she catapulted herself into his arms, squeezing him tightly. He steadied himself, still not entirely recovered from his alcoholic rampage. He chuckled at the feeling of her tears on his skin.

"Thankyou" she cried. "Oh Pudding, thank you!'

He smiled, wrapping his arms around her.

"Baby, you know I'd do anything for you."


By the time Pamela awoke, Harley was long gone, already showered and curled up costly with her 'Puddin', chattering aimlessly about something he wasn't even listening to. Ivy would have listened, soaked up every word.

She sat up, stretching out her long limbs. She reached over to the space beside her, expecting her fingers to graze Harley's soft skin. She was disappointed to fine none. She frowned, standing up now and wrapping the robe tighter around herself.

"Harls?" she called. "Harley, where are you?" She walked into the bedroom to find the pyjama's the had used folded neatly on the bed. That was unlike her. She was always asking Harley to fold her clothes after she used them. "Something wasn't right.

Pamela searched the whole house, calling Harley's name, searching for something to tell her where she was. She was worried, and even a little hurt to find nothing. She walked into her wardrobe to put away the pajamas when she saw that the scarf that was sitting on her dresser was gone. And that's when it hit her. Harley had gone. Run home to that psychopath.

Had he called her she wondered, when she had been so busy sleeping. She should have stayed awake, she should have stopped this. Did he yell at her? Command her to come home or else? Who did he threaten? What did he say he would do? She could only imagine a tearful Harley sneaking out the door, scared of what abuse, what torture she would face when she returned. Pamela was having none of it.

She quickly stripped out of her pajamas, leaving them in a crumpled pile on the floor and dressing herself quickly in some jeans and a green sweater. She didn't bother to take a scarf for herself, but grabbed her coat, careful to lock the door behind her.

She would come for her again to take Harley home. There was no way she was letting that freak have his way with her. Not if Pamela had anything to do with it.

Please comment your thoughts/speculations for the next chapter! I love reading them! x

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