I'm Alive??...

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Ebony's POV:
"Ahahahahahahaha!!! I finally found ya little brat! Now let's get we started a LONG TIME ago!"

We then turned to a woman with long black curly hair that recognized from my childhood nightmare....my stepmother...

*Ebony's stepmom*

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*Ebony's stepmom*

As we looked at my stepmom who stood upon me in the rose gardens of the park, I shivered while Subaru is holding me at the woman.

"..How...did you...find me here?..."

I asked as Subaru and I immediately dodged her attack when she attempts to stab me, Subaru demanded me to run.

"Ebony run, I'll take care of her."

"Huh? But what about-"

"Don't worry about me! Run back to the mansion as fast as you can!"

He yelled as I nodded, I started running without looking where I ran fast as I can to get away from that crazy whore.

What does want from me? Why does want to kill me after I ran away? What are her motives?

I asked myself while I ran, I flinched when the blade punctured through the lamppost, the people looked shocked and curious about the blade. I then looked behind and see her looking at me with psychotic dark eyes as she shouted insults at me.

"You're gonna pay for what you've done to my Hachi-kun!(Ebony's father)"

I cried while I ran with all of my strength, I thought about Subaru worried about his safety.

Subaru, please come back and save me please!

As I ran away from my psychotic stepmom, I find myself a dead end where I saw a shadow of my stepmom. I then turned to her to see her staring down at me with insanity into her eyes.

She then made a wide psychotic smirk as she ran towards me with a knife attempting to stab me.


She yelled as she laughs maniacally, I stood there helplessly as I cried fearfully for help.


As I closed my eyes, I felt nothing painful happening as I slowly opened my eyes and turned around to see my mother dropping the knife where I can see her stomach stabbed through her as she drops to the ground, I stood there shocked and terrified by the bloody sight.

Who the hell....

I then looked up at the mysterious figure where the mysterious person walking towards me revealing a young man messy brown hair with brown eyes.

As he walked towards me, I looked away from him waiting for him to hurt me, however I heard his rough voice.

"Hey lady, you're alright?"

The mysterious man asked as I slowly turned to the man who saved me, I looked into his serious hazel eyes and answered.


He then smiled in relief.

"That's great, you must be Ebony right?"

He asked curiously as I stood there shocked when he recognized my name, I asked him.

"H-How did you-"

"Ruki told me about you."

He cuts me off as I asked him again.

"Wait you know Ruki Mukami?"

He nodded as he smiled widely.

"Yep, Ruki has four brothers and the guy that you're talking with is Yuma Mukami."

He said as I smiled gently at him.

"I-It's a pleasure to meet you and thank you for saving me."

"Hey it's no big deal. Did she hurt you by the way?"

He asked curiously as I shook my head.

"Not at all thank you."

I smiled as he smiled as well, he then offered me his hand.

"Come on, let's take you home."

"Huh? But I-"

"Come on, it's getting late so why won't you stop by in our house?"

"Wha- hold on!"

As he drags me to his home, I thought to myself.

Who is this guy? Why did he saved me? And what does he know about Ruki?...

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