Shu Ending

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Ebony's POV:
While everybody is sitting there waiting for my answer, I finally decide who to be with.

"So Ebony, who would you want to be with?"

Karlheinz asked as I look at him with a genuine smile.

"Well, the man that I choose is Shu."

Then Shu came up to me and lift me up in his arms as I giggled.

"I guess you and I can be a family together."

He grinned.

"Not just the two of us."

I said as I walked towards the brothers and hugged them.

"Please don't be sad, It doesn't mean I won't see you forever, I want all of us to be together!"

I smiled warmly at them with all of them smiled back, but Shu wrapped his arms around my waist.

"But she's also mine."

Shu said with Reiji nodded at him.

"True, but we're also going to be there as a family."

Then Karlheinz nodded at Reiji's point.

"Agreed, and as a family, all of you guys will stay with king Shu and queen Ebony in the vampire world to take care of their future children!"

He said happily with all of us happily hugging but Shu hugs me tighter however I continue laughing with all of the brothers hugging from around as we shared this touching and happy moment.

34 years later

After me and Shu got married, Karlheinz announced us king and queen of the vampire world where I gave birth to three wonderful children named Shannon, Shane, and Sapphire.

Shannon is our oldest daughter where she shares her father's blonde hair and lazy persona, but she has my purple eyes and my sassy personality.

Shane is our middle son where he shares my black hair and my intelligence and Shu's love for music, but he also has Shu's beautiful blue eyes.

And finally, Sapphire is our youngest baby daughter where she shares the complete resemblance of her father and that's the reason why we named her after a gem because of her blue eyes.

Later in the living room, our son, Shane is once again causing a ruckus where he is singing loudly in the living room.

"May our hearts be full like our drinks tonight
May we sing and dance 'til we lose our minds
We are only young if we seize the night
Tonight we own the night
Tonight we own the night
La la la la la
La la la la- OW!"

While Shane is singing, Shannon threw a water bottle at him.

"Keep it down will ya? I'm trying to sleep!"

She said annoyingly who is lying on the couch with Shane glaring at her sister.

"Man why do you always have to be a party pooper?!"

"I'm not a party pooper, I just want to be alone sleeping."

"Sleep, sleep, sleep, you always sleeping! Can't you just move to another room?"

He said.

"No, I'm too lazy to move. Why won't you take your music somewhere else?"

"Because this I always do sing in the living room whenever I'm bored!"

Then Shannon opened her purple eyes and stare at her brother.

"Then go to your room if you're bored."

"And who's going to make me lazy pants?"

He said sticking his tongue out with Shannon twitching her brow.

"Oh you did not just stick your tongue at me you little-"


They both stopped as they turned to look at me gazing strictly at them.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys not to fight in the living room?"

"He started it!"

Shannon said glaring at him.

"Nah uhh! You're the one who provoke-"

"Oi that's enough you two, you're going to wake your sister up."

Shu said as they looked at their father where Shane is running towards his father.


"Heh how's my little star going?"

He said with a smile(wow imagine if Shu smiled like that).

"Daddy I'm not just a star, I'm a ROCK STAR!!"

He shouted as Shu points his finger to his lips shushing him to not to wake his sister up.

Then Shannon rolled her eyes.


"What was that?!"

"You heard me-"


"I didn't say anything ye-"

As she was about to finished her sentence, someone knocked the door where Shu opens the door revealing Ayato and Kou.

"Hey Goth bitch!"

"Hi Kuro neko chan!"

They both greeted happily.

"Uncle Ayato and Kou!"

Shane then ran towards his two favorite uncles and hugged them.

"Hey you little trickster! How's my mischievous devil going?"

Ayato playfully said with Shane giggling at his uncle's jokes.

"I'm fine uncle Ayato! Hey Kou, wanna listen to my songs?"

He asked as Kou nodded happily at him patting him on the head.

"Of course Shane kun!"

While Shane and Kou are going upstairs, I turned to Ayato with a small glare.

"Ayato we've just discussed this, you have to stop calling me that."

"Eh? Why not? The kids are fine with that!"

Ayato said with Shu nodded his head.

"Yeah besides, I didn't hear them complaining about Ayato calling you that right Shannon?"

She then nodded with a small smile and light shrug.

"I don't really mind if you called Goth bitch mom, besides it fits you well."

She said as I sighed.

"Alright you have a point, but don't say this in front of your baby sister ok?"

"I won't mom."

"Good, now will any of you guys want food? I made pasta and garlic bread in the kitchen."

"Hell yeah! Give me some!"

"I'll eat."

Ayato and Shu replied.

"I'll have just the garlic bread mom."

Shannon said as I rolled my eyes at her.

"Sure sweetie, I'll give you just the garlic bread."


She then went back to sleep as the three of us went to the kitchen while Kou and Shan are singing upstairs, I sighed and smiled warmly at how a great family I have and wishing this touching and heartwarming moment between my family will never stop.

The Gothic Sister(Diabolik Lovers Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now