Getting To Know Yuma

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Ebony's POV:
After we ate dinner, I was about to walk towards my room that Ruki showed me before dinner starts until I heard Yuma calling for me.

"Oi Ebony!"


I turned to see Yuma as he walked towards me smiling, I asked him curiously.

"Why hello Yuma, is there something you want?"

I asked curiously as he smiles warmly patting my shoulder, he told me happily.

"Were going gardening what do you think?"

I then rolled my eyes and smiled accepting his offer without complaints.

"Alright then, I'll help you out since I have nothing else to do anyway."


I then followed Yuma as he takes me to the gardens, I widened my eyes in fascination enchanted by the beautiful sight of the vegetable gardens.

While I was picking up vegetables with Yuma, I stared admirably at the fresh tomato that glistens from the moon. I then poetically admired the fresh fruit.

Big, juicy, red
Sneaks up upon unsuspecting
A terrible fight ensues!
Tomato or tutor?
Tutor or tomato?
Tomato knows no math.
Tutor has no seeds.
A standoff.
Tutor and tomato growl menacingly,
Circling one another
Like two pieces of meat
On a microwave turntable.
Suddenly, their rhythmic dance of Hate
Is broken
By the rhythmic sound of incoming
Tutor and tomato are trampled
Like a TV dinner
On the freeway.

As I admired the fresh gardens of vegetables, I turned to see Yuma standing there waiting for me.

"Are you done yet?"

He asked impatiently as I nodded gently at him, we continued to pick up vegetables where I asked Yuma politely about the vegetable garden.

"You're very passionate about vegetable gardens do you?"

I asked curiously as he looked at me, he smirked.

"I'm a huge fan of gardening. I love gardening since I was little especially when I grow apples, it's one of my favorite plants to grow as a child growing up."

He said cheerfully as I smiled gently at him admiring his passionate love for gardening.

"I understand your passion. It's really fascinating to love something that is very interesting to do."

I then turned to Yuma and poetically express my admiration for his passion for gardening.

You have planted a seed in the secret garden of my soul, that I will water everyday and give it love to grow.

I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut
And 'Thou shalt not,' writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires.

After I poetically told him, I smiled warmly at him.

"That's why you love gardens so much right? As I also have a passionate love for gardens as well."

I said sweetly expressing my passion and admiration for gardens.

Yuma then smiled warmly at me as he grabs my arm and pulled me into his chest, he brings his face closer to my ear.

"..You're really strange, but that's the reason why I love you. I think I finally understand why Ruki loves you so much."

He said sweetly as I smiled gently at him, I complimented him politely.

"You and your brothers are the most fascinating man that I've ever met Yuma."

I said as we stood there embracing each other under the full moon, we then stopped hugging where Yuma gazed at me with gentle brown eyes. He then asked me with a warm smile.

"Hey Ebony, I was wondering...if know...want to do this again?"

He shyly asked as I smiled gently at him, I nodded gently at him.

"It would be wonderful Yuma, of course I will!"

I said happily as he smiles warmly, he then asked me again.

"So you wanna continue harvesting?"

I then grin at him

"Sure, it will be fun!"

I said happily as we continued harvesting vegetables and fruits, I smiled at the thought about Yuma being a nice guy.

Hmm..Yuma isn't that bad after, I love have he's so passionate about gardening and I love that about him. He's not a bad guy, he's a good man with a heart.

Yuma's POV:
While we continued gardening, I smiled. As I started picking up fruits, I thought about Ebony where I stood there smiling at the young woman who changed my rough exterior and made me feel soft.'ve maybe the most strangest mortal that I've ever met, but you're also very interesting and different as well. I want to get to know you more Ebony, so please, stay with me forever...

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