Kou Ending

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Ebony's POV:
While everybody is sitting there waiting for my answer, I finally decide who to be with.

"So Ebony, who would you want to be with?"

Karlheinz asked as I look at him with a genuine smile.

"Well, the man that I choose is Kou."

He immediately smiled as he lifts me up in a bridal style.

"Yay! Kuro neko chan choose me and since you and I are going to be together, we're going to be a great king and queen of the vampire world!"

He said happily as I giggled at his proclaims, he turns to Karlheinz with a big smile.

"Father, we're getting married and we want all of the brothers to be our future uncles for our future children pleeeeeaaaasssseee?!?!"

He politely begs as Karlheinz sighed and nodded.

"Very well, I announced you and Ebony as king and queen of the vampire world!"

After Karlheinz announced us king and queen of the vampire world, all of the brothers came us.

"You sure are excited Kou."

Laito said.

"That's Kou alright, he's always getting way over the top."

Yuma said with Ruki nodded at him.

"He sure is and I can't imagine what their children will be like."

"Same goes for me, I wouldn't imagine what their family was like."

Reiji said with a sigh.

"Don't worry guys! Kuro neko chan and I will be a great family! Right Kuro neko chan?"

"I hope, let's just see what happens."

I sighed.


Everybody says agreeing with me with Karlheinz sighed as well.

"Oh boy, this is going to be a lot of process."

"Oh yeah."

I said agreeing with Karlheinz as they all laughed happily as we shared this lighthearted moment.

34 years later

After me and Kou got married, we're now king and queen of the vampire world where we three children named Emerald and Cason & Elliot.

Emerald is our oldest daughter and she shares my appearance where she has black hair and purple eyes with a lot of intelligence and sass that she inherited from me, and trust me, she has A LOT of my sass, but she also inherits my dark side, but her aura is much darker than mine. Not to mention that she also inherits her father's mischievous steak running through her.

Cason and Elliot are our twin youngest sons and they shared their father's appearance where they both have blonde hair and clear blue & red eyes. Much like their father, their very cheery, but mischievous devils who way devious than Emerald. They also inherits my sass, but Elliot is much more calmer than I am while Cason is much more wild than his father.

While we're outside, we watched our kids playing with each other where they are playing captain, but the three get into an argument about who's going to be captain.

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