Shin Ending

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Ebony's POV:
While everybody is sitting there waiting for my answer, I finally decide who to be with.

"So Ebony, who would you want to be with?"

Karlheinz asked as I look at him with a genuine smile.

"Well, the man that I choose is Shin."

I then went to Shin where he wraps my waist and kissed my forehead.

"Ebony, thanks for choosing me."

"No thank you for being their as a great friend and supportive king."

I grinned warmly at him as Carla came to us.

"So the decision has chosen."

"Mm, but I don't want us to leave them here all alone, I want all of us to be a great big family."

I said wholeheartedly as I looked at them with a warm smile.

"All of you guys, you're the most fascinating people that I've ever met and been and I couldn't stand the thought of being separated from you guys."

Then I turned to Karlheinz.

"So I want all of them to be with me as a family and we want be together and be a loving family forever."

I said sweetly as Karlheinz smiled intriguingly.

"I see, I guess the decision has decided then. Ebony and Shin, I announced you king and queen of the vampire world!"

After Karlheinz announced us king and queen of the vampire world, Shin hugged me tight and lightly kissed my lips.

"Let's be a family, Ebony."


As we shared this touching moment, our life long future begins now.

34 years later

After me and Shin got married, we are now king and queen of the vampire world where we have three wonderful children named Carly, Sierra, and Edsel.

Carly is our oldest daughter who has Shin's dark blonde hair and my purple eyes with a lot of serenity from me, responsibility and stoicism like her uncle Carla, but she's also very caring and protective towards her siblings.

Sierra is our second oldest daughter who looks exactly like Shin where has short dark blonde hair and gold eyes with a lot of pride and confidence, but she also inherits my cunning side which she always likes to teased her little brother Edsel.

Edsel on the other hand is our youngest son who has my black hair, but he also has Shin's gold eyes with a lot of mischief that he receives from Sierra and they always teased together.

While we were in the house, Sierra once again is pranking Edsel again where she is being chased by a pissed off Edsel for splashing ice water at his face while sleeping.

"Sierra!!! Get back here! You're so dead!!"

He shouted while chasing her, she sticks her tongue out at him.

"Nah nah, catch me if you can!"

She then picks up her speed while running with Edsel picking up his speed as well.

"Sierra stop! I mean it! This isn't funny!!"

As they were running in the hallway, Carly appeared upon them with a strict glare.

Then the two immediately stopped running screeching the floor.

"What did mom said about no running in the house?"

She said strictly glaring at us.

"Don't blame me, it's Sierra's fault!"

Edsel said glaring at his older sister with Sierra rolling her eyes.

"Oh come on Ed, it was only a prank."

"You know that I HATE cold water you idiot!"

"Eh?! An idiot?!"

They both exchanged glares with Carly twitching and starts to raise her voice.


She scolded as they both flinched immediately by her angry shout, they both shivered when Carly's dark aura surrounds her body glaring threateningly at them.

"If you guys wanna fight, then take it outside or else things will get ugly!"

She said darkly as they both flinched at her threats, they fearfully nodded.

"Y-Yes Carly! We're sorry!"

Then the both ran outside with Carly sighing irritably.

"Geez what a bother they are, but..."

She then smiled gently.

"Their my bothersome siblings and I love them so much."

She said grinning at them running as we watched our three children playing with each other, Shin, Carla, and I grinned at our children.

"Man we sure have wild kids."

He said grinning while holding my shoulders with one arm, I smiled warmly at them.

"Yeah, they sure are."

"But I have to admit though Shin, she does act like me, I'm even surprised that she even got them to restrained themselves very quick."

Carla said with Shin nodded his head agreeing with him.

"Agreed nii san."

Shin then snuggles me as I giggled from his affection and kissed my lips smiling softly at me.

"I love you Ebony."

He said lovingly to me as I smiled warmly at him.

"I love you too Shin."

I said lovingly as we watched our kids playing at the outdoors, I smiled happily at our wonderful family and I want this happiness to last forever.

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