The competition

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Today's Newspaper;
The New York Times

Teens of ages 13-15 are allowed to participate in this STORY WRITING COMPETITION.
Your story could be fictional, Non fiction, Educative or a fairytale.
Participants should make it a point to meet the deadline which is on the 15th day of December 2016.
Stories could be mailed to our e-mail address or submitted to our office.
Late submissions would be rejected.
Thank you.
NB- The stories can only be fiction or nonfiction or a fairytale. If you choose nonfiction, the story should have occurred and the experiences could be related to and the characters must be real. You can't fuss fiction and nonfiction together to make up your story.
Such stories would be disqualified.

Winner would win half a million dollars and also his/her story would be published by the New York Times publishing firm.

first Runner up- three million dollars and also his/her story would be published by the firm.

Other Runner ups - one million dollars and also get their stories published by the firm.


"Hey "


"Have you read today's Times?"
Asked Martha

"Not really" I replied

"well I read something about a story competition which would be published by their publishing firm and also the winner would be awarded half a million dollars.
I think it's a good initiative the company came up with to help teens achieve their dreams as story writers; what do you think? She asked

"well, that's very nice of them and I wish I could participate but I can't come out with a half a million dollars story within a month.
I mean 🤷‍♀️ its got to be perfect and it shouldn't be similar to our everyday stories and the most unfortunate thing is that I don't have any stories of that kind" I replied with a sigh

This could be a very big opportunity for me.
I can't just let it slip by I would have to try at all cost 🤔 I said undertone

"Don't beat yourself over this Paula, there would be other greater opportunities.
Martha said to cheer me up.
But wait; I think I know just what you need to win the competition. She added

"What do you mean Martha?
I asked

"Remember how you came up with the "G3" group just to solve issues about relationships and stuffs:

"I nodded"

"well, I think you could fuss those experiences into a story which would be nonfictional and interesting too. You could just change the characters and spice it up a bit to make it look different."

"Martha, I yelled.
Isn't this too much?
First of all, the girls joined the club because they knew whatever we discuss there would be kept private and respected. I can't just breach their trust in me and the purpose of the club.
Martha, they would never forgive me if they find out I did this and this could ruin my life.
And I would have to spend the rest of my years in highschool being hated by all my friends.
Besides it says here that; referring to the newspaper : we can't fuss fiction and nonfiction into one story. It could either be one of it.
So I definitely have to mention their names and narrate the story just as it happened.
I said with a sign.

"I understand you: seriously. But I'd bet they'd only remember and appreciate how you helped them with their broken relationships after a while if I should come to that. She suggested
I don't think you making their life experiences into a story for a competition would be a big deal.
If you win, which I pray you do, they would even be happier their life experiences were worth half a million dollars. Think carefully about this my friend.
Opportunities comes but once in a lifetime.
She added with a smile.

"well, I really need to take this into consideration.
I said as I turned left heading to the washroom to clear my head a bit before class starts.


"hey mum"

"hi honey " she answered as she walked over to the dining hall where I've been sitting for the past 30minutes gazing into the room trying to figure out how to go about the competition.

"you don't look okay"
What's wrong?

"it's nothing mum.
I just need to figure this one out".
I answered

"you know you can tell me anything right? "

"yeah mum I know"

"then talk to me. "

"it's about the competition "

"oh the one being organized by my boss? "
What about it.

"well, I wanted to participate but I haven't gotten that million dollars story in mind right now so I wanted to fuss the discussions and issues we've dealt with at our group meetings into a nonfiction story and submit it for the competition".

"that's also not bad but have you discussed this with your friends?"

"no mum, I haven't!
I feel like some might not agree and if they do also then I have just given them a clue as to how to beat me in the competition and I can't have that.
I answered after a minutes of silence

"but are you ok putting their life experiences out there for everyone to read? "

"that's what am trying to figure out now.
I really want to win the competition not for myself only but for Cynthia who's also part of the group and needs financial aid to college. Her dad lost his job and her mum has cancer.
She works her ass off trying to fend for herself and her parents and at the same time, schooling.

"language young lady!" my mum yelled

"Sorry mum"
I feel sorry for her and I could imagine what she goes through everyday of her life.
I wish I could help but I can't do much until I saw this opportunity.
Earlier, I didn't know why I wanted to win so badly but after a long while, I have realized she needed it more than I do or most of the girls in the group does so it would be like a gift from all of us to her if I should win ; I explained calmly.

That's what I've been convincing myself with for the past one hour. I said to myself .

I kept thinking....
Am I really doing it because a friend is in need?
Or it is my selfish desire to have it all and be the most popular girl at school??

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