The Van Allen's vs Samhain

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They really had no idea what their next move was, but they were heading for the cars regardless. Dean walked the few doors down to where they had parked and stopped dead, Karoline running into his back. "What?" She asked, but Dean was speechless, staring at Baby and the desecration that had been done to her. All over her hood and down the sides was runny white egg. Karoline took in a sharp breath and then looked at him a little anxiously while Sam surveyed the damage, opening the passenger door.

Alayna shook her head, "I vote we hide. Come on." She grabbed Karoline's hand and pulled her over to the Buick where both girls jumped into the car quickly.

Dean walked around to the driver side, fuming and looking around for the little brat, he knew who it was, and his chubby little hide was his if he ran across him again. "Astronaut!" Dean yelled out across the yard and Sam snickered a little before getting into the front.

Dean shook hishead in disbelief and got behind the wheel. Sam was staring at his hands looking sullen and Sam-like. "What?" He asked and Sam shrugged.

"Nothing," he answered, looking down at the hex bag in his hands and taking a deep breath. Dean watched him, not believing him for a second. "I thought they'd be different," he said finally.

"Who, the angels?" Dean asked,

"Yeah," Sam breathed, shrugging again.

"Well I tried to tell ya," Dean said, shaking his head.

"I just...I mean, I thought they'd be righteous," Sam said.

Dean nodded in agreement, thinking about it. "Well... they are righteous, I mean, that's kinda the problem," Dean said. "Of course, there's nothing more dangerous than some a-hole who thinks he's on a holy mission." Sam nodded and smiled a little, at least he'd gotten him to smile.

"But I mean, this is God? And Heaven?" Sam asked. "This is what I've been praying to?"

"Look, I know you're into the whole God thing, you know, Jesus on a tortilla and stuff like that. But... just because there's a couple of bad apples doesn't mean the whole barrel's rotten," Dean said, to Sam who was looking sad and forlorn. "I mean, for all we know, God hates these jerks." Dean looked back at Sam. "Don't give up on all this, Sam," he said, smiling at Sam. "I mean, Babe Ruth was a dick but baseball's still a beautiful game." Sam continued to look sadly at the hex bag and Dean shrugged, not knowing what else to say. Sam picked up little bone in the bag and looked at it. "Well, are you gonna figure out a way to find this witch, or are you just gonna sit there fingering your bone?" Dean asked with a grin, starting the car.

"You know how much heat it would take to char a bone like this, guys?" Sam asked, back to business.

"No," Dean answered.

"A lot, I mean, more than a fire or some kitchen oven," he said.

"Okay, Betty Crocker... what does that mean?" Dean asked.

Sam smiled and looked over at Dean. "It means we make a stop."


They found themselves in the art room at the high school again, and Sam led the way toward Don's desk.

"So Tracy used the kiln to char the bone, what's the big deal?" Dean asked as Sam started to rifle through the stuff on the desk.

"Dean, that hex bag turned up in our room, not after we talked to Tracy..."

"After we talked to the teacher," Dean finished with a nod.

Karoline nodded her agreement and turned to look back at the kiln, suddenly images of a park flashed through her head and she stopped, closing her eyes. "The decision's been made," she heard Castiel say and she frowned. They'd been working on more telepathic communication but never like this, more in dreams. Alayna pointed to a bottom drawer of Don's desk which was locked with a latch and padlock.

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