The Van Allen's vs In The Beginning

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This is one of my longest chapters as I kind of mixed episode three and four together.

Anyway up above is a picture of Brie Larson who portray young Hannah Van Allen

Dean's heart was beating slowly under her ear as he slept, and Karoline lay silently listening to it as Sam moved around the room - They all had bunked in one room, being that this motel was out of rooms. She never opened her eyes, letting him do whatever it was he was up to as she pretended she was just as asleep as Alayna and Dean. Sam hovered over them, watching them for a moment and Karoline forced herself to keep her eyes closed, to resist the urge to take a peep and see what he was up to.

Finally he moved, and she could hear him walk to the door, the sound of the hinges squeaking as he opened the door and then walked out, shutting it behind him. She waited a few moments before extracting herself from Dean's arms, and moved to grab her shoes, jacket, and her keys before slipping out the door. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs and pressed her back against the wall to hide in the darkness as a car pulled up beside Sam. Without hesitating, he got into the passenger side. Karoline tried to see who was driving, but it was too dark. It didn't matter, she already had an idea as to who it was. She watched them drive away for a moment, disappearing around the corner before hurrying into the Buick and tailing them. 

At the sound of the engine reeving Alayna moved slightly, muttering in her sleep and then blinking awake. She sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she looked around. "Kare..." Dean muttered in his sleep and she turned over to see Castiel sitting on the edge of the bed Dean was sleeping in, watching Dean sleep. 

"Castiel?" Alayna whispered, looking at him, he ignored her and she frowned, sitting up and pushing herself to the edge of her own bed. Suddenly, Dean cried out from a nightmare and sat up, jerking backwards when he saw Castiel.

"Hello, Dean. What were you dreaming about?" Castiel asked. Dean looked around the room, stopping when he saw Alayna sitting on the edge of the other bed. She shrugged as she started to push herself to her feet. 

"What, do you get your freak on by watching other people sleep?" Dean asked with a scowl, rubbing a hand across his tired face. "What do you want?"

"Listen to me. You have to stop it." Castiel said. Alayna looked at him sharply and Dean frowned.

"Stop what?" He asked. In answer Castiel put two fingers to Dean's forehead and a second later Alayna and Castiel were the only two in the room. 

"Hey!" Alayna snapped, her eyes wide. "What did you just do?"

Castiel looked at her with a frown, "This is not your fight." He said and Alayna shook her head.

"Where'd you send him?" 

Castiel hesitated, looking at her curiously, "I have sent him where he is needed." He answered elusively. 

"Well, then send me too," She said urgently, feeling her heart start to race. 

"You are not needed," he said again.

Alayna grabbed the lapels of his coat and pulled him to his feet, glaring, "Don't think just because you are an Angel, I won't beat the holy Hell out of you. He's not ready to go out on his own," Castiel frowned at her and she faltered letting go of the coat. "And Karoline's not here right now so it's up to me."

"He is healthy, strong." Castiel said, looking at her confused. 

"He just got back from Hell, not even a month ago. You don't understand, he's not..." Castiel simply frowned at her anxiety, clearly not understanding. "You have to send me wherever you've sent him." He looked contemplatively at her and nodded. 

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