The Winchester's vs Karoline Van Allen

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Sam stared at the screen in front of him watching as absolutely nothing was revealed on the CCTV to Cara's office. Cara sighed and looked up at him, saying, "We've watched them twice. Whoever took the blood..."

"Must have tampered with the tapes," Sam finished with a sigh. "Who has access to your office?"

"Everybody. I don't lock it," she said, leaning back in her chair.

"You what?"

"I've never had this problem before," Cara said with a shrug. "What is so important about the blood anyway?"

"I think someone drugged the men," Sam said, crossing his arms and staring at her desk. "Made them commit murder."

"What?" Cara asked surprised. "What kind of drug?"

"Ahhh, I'm not sure yet," Sam answered.

"I don't know," she said cautiously, her dark brown eyes staring at him. "I mean, I interviewed those guys and they had their reasons."

"Yeah but they all loved their victims," Sam countered.

"I'm sure they did," she replied. She chuckled and stood up. "Come on. Haven't you ever been in a relationship where you really love somebody and still kinda wanted to bash their head in?"

"Uh, no," Sam shook his head thinking back on Alayna and shaking his head. "Can't say the same for her though," Sam caught her questioning look and decided to shift the attention before she questioned it. "Sounds like you're speaking from experience," he said with a grin.

"Yeah." She said. An emotion passed across her face and she stood back from Sam, crossing to a cabinet behind her desk.

"Look, I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry," Sam said, noting that she had backed right off.

"It's okay," she said, pulling a bottle of whiskey and a couple of glasses out of a drawer in the cabinet. "I was the one who brought it up." She turned back to the desk, placing the two glasses on the surface and uncapping the bottle, pouring some liquid amber into each glass.

"Really?" Sam asked with a smile.

"It's medicine," she said, handing him a glass. "I'm a doctor," she said with a pout. He gave in with a chuckle and accepted the glass from her outstretched hand, moving to sit on the desk beside her.

"His name was Carl," she said looking at him. "We were married."

They clinked glasses and she chuckled. "So what happened?" Sam asked.

"Life happened. I don't know. I mean I loved him," she said with a shrug. "Still do I guess but...I don't know. It's like one day I looked up and I was living with a stranger know what I mean, right?"

"I guess," Sam replied with a shrug, thinking about Alayna. Sometimes he related to that statement, mostly he thought it was her thinking that more about him. "Or, I don't know, maybe," He added, uncertain.

"People change," she said. "I know I did. But it's nothing to feel guilty about. It happens."

"So you two split up?" He asked.

"I suppose that's a word for it," she said, uncapping the bottle again and pouring herself another drink.

Sam's phone started to ring and he glanced down at the display. Alayna. "Do you need to get that?" She asked. Sam smiled.

"Nope. Not right now," He said softly. Cara poured him another drink in addition to her own and Sam found myself looking at her with a renewed interest.

"Whatever," Cara said with a smirk. "We've all got our own sad stories, so... screw it. Have fun, no regrets and live life like there's no tomorrow." She held her glass up again and Sam clinked it with his own. Cara stepped in closer to him, her lips just inches away from mine. "For instance, I have been thinking about you, all night," she said with a grin. "Well... parts of you."

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