The Van Allen's vs Sam Winchester

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Karoline had been sleeping on the couch in front of the fireplace when she heard the stairs creak. She knew Dean was upstairs in his old bedroom, and Bobby was also asleep. It was late, none of them had been expecting an escape, and yet it was happening. She reached for the shotgun beside her, slipping into her boots at the same time. Within seconds she was out the door, and chasing down Sam while he was trying to hotwire a car from the yard. Karoline cocked the gun and pointed it at his back. Her stomach tightened, and she fought to control her breathing. "Uh-uh, Sam-wich. The only place you're going is back inside with me," She said as he turned to look at her.

"No," he said, and Karoline looked at his face. He looked like Hell.

"Damn it, Sammy," She said, glaring at him. Her grip tightened on the gun, and she struggled with the situation.

"You won't shoot me, Kare," he said, and it was true. He knew she wouldn't. They were trying to save him, it made no sense to shoot him. She could hear Dean's voice echoing in her mind: I will not let my brother turn into a monster, better he die a human. She wondered how literal he had been.

"Don't test me," she said.

"You won't do it. You can't do it."

Karoline wavered, the gun shaking slightly as she looked imploringly at him. "We're trying to help you, Sam."

He grabbed the end of the shotgun and stepped forward, bringing it point blank to his chest and then looked her in the eye. "Then shoot," he said. "So help me, Karoline, shoot me because if you don't... you won't ever forgive me for what comes next."

That didn't sound good. "And what's that, Sam?" He was struggling with something, his eyes looking at Karoline with frustration tinged in sadness. "What are you talking about?" She asked.

He looked pained at her, his brow furrowing. "I'm sorry Kare. But..." He moved faster than she was expecting. Within a heartbeat he had disarmed her, and then blinding pain hit her forehead as she blacked out.


"How the Hell did he get out?" Dean asked, as Bobby opened the locked panic room from the outside. Bobby shrugged and looked up at the untouched vent that doubled as a skylight.

"Maybe he had help. Room full of busted devil's traps," he replied, gesturing to the floor where the metal devil's traps had been ripped up from the floor.

"Demons?" Dean asked. "Ruby."

"That'd be my guess," Bobby said with a nod.

"How did she even touch the door?" Dean questioned. The thing was coated in salt.

"You think she's got the mojo?" Bobby asked. Dean thought about all the times he'd been unfortunate enough to run into the demon.

"I didn't think so. I don't know, man," Dean said, shrugging.

"What difference does it make?" Bobby asked, his tone frustrated and angry. "How he got gone ain't as important as where he got gone to."

"Well, I'll tell you one thing," Dean said, thinking about Karoline upstairs on the couch, nursing a massive headache and was likely going to end up as some pretty impressive bruising. "At this point I hope he's with Ruby."


"'Cause killing her's the next big item on my to-do list," Dean muttered. "Then Daryll."

"I thought you were on call for angel duty," bobby said, pulling Dean back from his thoughts.

"I am on call. In my car, on my way to murder the bitches," Dean said, leaving the room and starting back up the stairs. Bobby followed him as he returned to the library, breathing a sigh of relief to see Karoline sitting on the couch and holding an ice pack to her head. Dean was starting to feel like he couldn't let her out of his sight.

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