The Van Allen's vs Saving The Seals

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Suddenly the lights around them started flickering and a blast of cool wind hit them square in the face. A white, human-shaped wispy figure cut through the room almost so quickly they didn't see it, running up the stairs. "Another reaper," Karoline said, starting for the stairs.

"Hey! Hey! Wait! We need to talk to you!" Dean called out, following her.

They reached the foot of the stairs and suddenly a pretty woman with straight black hair and bright eyes descended with a smile. "Dean," she said simply, and Karoline glanced over at Dean while he frowned, taking a step back.

"Do I know you?" He asked.

She smiled, nodding slowly. "We go way back."

Leading them into the kitchen, her urgent rush seemingly forgotten, the woman turned to face the four hunters. "You don't remember me?" She asked, looking directly at Dean.

Dean smirked and shook his head. "Honestly, if I had a nickel for every time I heard a girl say that..." he said, and Alayna elbowed him in the ribs softly with a frown. Dean cleared his throat uncomfortably, tossing her a little smile. "You're uh... you're gonna have to freshen my memory."

The woman stepped forward and grabbed Dean by either side of his head, pulling him down into a kiss. And after a couple of moments longer, she pulled back, looking at Dean who was frowning, looking back down at her. "Tessa," he said, much to everyone's surprise.

"That's one of my names, yeah," she said with a nod.

"So, you do know her?" Karoline asked, coming around to Dean's side.

Dean nodded, "From the hospital after the accident," he said.

"The accident after Dad?" Sam asked and Dean nodded.

"So, this is the reaper that came after you?" Karoline said quietly, feeling an unreasonable amount of fear settle into her gut.

"Yeah," Dean replied quietly, watching the blonde carefully.

"Well," Tessa said, turning to Sam. "This was fun. Now if you'll excuse me..." She started to leave and Dean stepped to the side, cutting her off.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, you can't – you can't take the kid," he said.

"Why?" She asked.

"Demons are in town, that's why. They've already snatched your reaper pal. The kid knows where," Dean said.


"So, you should shag ass. For all we know, they could try and snatch you too," Sam said.

"Except that this town is off the rails," Tessa said, pausing to watch as Cole's mother walked back into the room, picking up something off the table, tying her hair up, and then leaving again. "And someone has to set it straight."

"Yeah, we understand that," Dean said. "But these are special circumstances."

"What? Your whole angel-demon dance-off?" Tessa asked skeptically. "I could care less. I just want to do my job."

"Right, yeah, and look, we want to help you do your job," Alayna cut in. "So if you would just bail town..."

"No," Tessa cut in obstinately.

"Well, then, could you hold off until we fix this? Please?" Dean asked to which the reaper sighed.

"Alright, but just so we're clear, when I start reaping again, I'm starting with the kid," she said in clear tones.

"Understood," Alayna said with a nod, turning toward the stairs. "I'll find him."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait," Dean said, grabbing her arm before she could leave. "What...what are you gonna say to him?

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