The Van Allen's vs When The Leeve Breaks

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It had been two whole weeks. After Alayna went into false labor after a hunt that got a little too bad, Karoline took her sister and fled to Bobby's to stay there with him and their Dad at least until the baby was born. She was thinking of adoption, not wanting to bring a kid into this life especially one that was half demon, who knew how many creatures would be after it.

Karoline paused in making dinner for them, since Alayna was ridden to bed rest, when her phone rang. "Dean?" She answered. He'd call her every night when he could to fill her in on what he was doing, first their was his long lost brother Adam Milligan who died, and then the most recent thing he'd called about was in regards to Castiel, and how he fled leaving his vessel behind, Jimmy Novak.

"Kare, I'm on my way with Sam?" She stopped all together at his tone of voice.

"What happened?" She asked worriedly.

"I already explained everything to Tom," He said and Karoline looked back just in time for Tom to come up in the doorway. "He'll explain, I don't have the time."

"Okay, be careful." She didn't know what it was, but it sounded bad. He gave a small hum of agreement before he hung up. She slowly looked over at her dad, the look on his face doing nothing to ease her worry.

"Things with Sam have gotten a little out of hand," He explained as simply as he could and her eyes widened. Alayna was two weeks from her due date, she was in no condition to deal with Sam and his problems right now. "I already told Alayna, she's upstairs resting, and Bobby clearing out the panic room."

"Daddy?" She shook her head. "How bad is it?"

"Really bad."

When Sam and Dean got there, Bobby and Tom greeted him at the door taking him down into the panic room. "Go inside, I wanna show you something." Tom said pulling open the heavy door, the first to go in was Sam, looking around the barren room in confusion.

"Whats in here?"

"You are." Tom said, pushing the heavy door closed with a resonating creak.

"It's for your own good." Bobby added as he pulled the lock into place, securing the Winchester in the room.

"What?" Sam walked up to the door, looking at his brother incredulously through the slot. Dean didn't say a word, his hard gaze on his brother before he pulled the cover over the peephole. "This isn't funny. Guys!" Tom looked over at Bobby and Dean and then nodded, turning on his toes to head for the stairs. "Guys! Hey!"

Heading back up stairs Alayna was already standing there, a frown on her face as she heard Sam yelling from downstairs, then her eyes traveled back to Dean and Karoline, "What's going on?"

Dean looked over at Karoline with a look of hesitance on his face, "We need to talk." Dean took her arm gently and led her away into the living room where they could talk privately.

Alayna's lips had pulled into a deep frown, she had a sneaking suspicion on what this was about, but she didn't want to be the one to say it, "Dean, your scaring me."

"Sam's been drinking Demon blood." Alayna pressed her lips into a thin line, nodding her head as her eyes fell to the ground. She knew this was her fault. She knew from the beginning and she could've stopped him, but she was so busy with her own problems and not wanting to push Sam away anymore than he was that she let it go. "You don't look surprised."

"This is all my fault," Alayna shook her head. "I just didn't want to push him away, I thought he would come to his senses."

"You knew?!" Deans voice rose a little in both surprise in anger, how could she not tell him.

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