The Van Allen's vs Alastair

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"She's been found," the voice echoed through her brain causing her to stop in her spot. It was deep and familiar, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Are you sure?" She knew instantly that, that was Castiel.

"Yes," was the answer and she frowned, thinking she knew that voice. "There are demons going after her now," the other voice stated as she listened in on the conversation.

"We must get to her first," Castiel said and Karoline frowned, he seemed upset, as much as he could be given that angels didn't really show emotion. "I will send someone to be certain," Cas said.

"Keep me posted."

"Kare?" The blonde blinked back to reality looking over at Dean. "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," she threw in a smile shrugging off the conversation. "Yeah. So, how're they doing?"

"Better than I thought." Leaning back, they surveyed the room and watched as Sam continued to con a guy out of his money. He was pretty convincing with the drunk routine, kind of made Dean wonder what else he'd said or done while he'd been in Hell. Downing his second tequila, Dean picked up his beer and the two of them wandered a little closer to the pool table. Sam was speaking to the guy he was playing.

"Brian, come on man, just one more. Just – just give me a chance to win it back." Sam was leaning heavily on the pool table, using it for balance.

Brian was a tall, tough looking guy with broad shoulders and a shaved head. He looked like he could hold his own in a fight, but Dean wasn't too worried about that, so could he. There was also the ace up their sleeve: Sam wasn't really drunk, and could more than hold his own. Not that Brian knew that.

"It's your cash," Brian said with a shrug, smirking at how easy he thought this game was going to be. That was the cue. They watched as Alayna walked up to the pool table, putting a worried frown on her face.

"Sam?" Sam looked over at Alayna drunkenly and she shook her head at him as she looked over at the others. "I think my husbands a little too out of it to be making bets, don't you think?"

"He insisted," Brian said, looking over at the brunette as he racked the balls.

"Come on, you already downed him two hundred, we have a baby on the way." Alayna played the sympathetic card and Karoline bit get lip to keep from smirking.

"Hey, shut up Alayna. I'm fine!" Sam said forcefully.

"No, you're not fine. You're drunk!"

Sam ignored her comment and looked at Brian. "Let's make it five hundred." He pulled a roll of money out of his pocket and waved it around in the air.

"Five hundred?!" Alayna spluttered.

"Sure," Brian agreed, you couldn't have wiped the smile off his face if you tried – of course, that was about to change. Sam put the money down on the edge of the table.

"Five hundred. Your break." Brian said to Sam.

Alayna looked up at Sam as Brian finished setting up the balls and he raised his eyebrow at her. This was too easy; the guy had fallen for the act, hook line and sinker. Sam lined up his shot and sent the ball spinning down the table, scattering the balls across the green and pocketing at least three balls at once. Alayna glanced over at Brian who was staring at the table with a frown. He looked up at her and she could see it instantly in his eyes, he knew he'd been hustled.

"Keep the money," Sam said, interrupting her thoughts and laying his cue down on the table.

"Keep the money?" Dean exclaimed. "What..." Dean found himself on the back foot this time, struggling to keep up with the new act. Sam walked passed Alayna and continued passed Karoline and Dean as well like a man on a mission and they turned to see what had caught his attention, Dean cursing under his breath at the sight of the two brunette's sitting at the bar. Ruby and Daryll.

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