how we feel

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"A person who never made a mistake never tried any thing new."
                    ~Albert Einstein.

Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz
I was  awoken by my alarm clock I really didn't want to go to school today cause of prince but I got up did my hygiene brush my teeth and wash my face and put on image at top and headed to school I really didn't see why prince bullied me I'm pretty and  got style. But I don't have a bf he calls me ho£ $lut b¡tch and he beats me up and if I say something back or smart he'll punch me and while every one just watches and laughs. so I'm walking to school even though I can ride the bus or use my car I didn't want to use my car cause I didn't want to drive and didn't take the bus cause prince we ride the same bus he lives right around the corner .so I walked its like 20minutes away I have to be to class by 9:00 and I wake up at 7:45  I got to skool  and looked for nasha but I happened to bump into prince

Prince: hey lil hoe 
me:leave me alone please
Prince:make me ~slaps herwatchu gonna do now cry baby


Prince:~ beating her ~ I'm done with you tch

Me :~crying coughing up blood runs to bathroom ~

I love TT but my way of showing is beating her I plan on telling her Friday today is Wednesday I've liked her since sixth grade she has a perfect size and shape but when I hit her it brings my whole world down seeing her cry. I'm nervous about telling her I think She'll reject me dats   why I haven't told her I don't know what I'll do if she rejects me mmhhhh I guess I'll just find out Friday. We have the first three  periods  but she wasn't in the first period.

Short sorry

He Love Me°•°•Princeton Bully/ \ love story°•°•°❤Where stories live. Discover now