my outfit/his problem

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"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools."
                         ~Napoleon Bonaparte

So me and Nasha got home I put my things up and Nasha just sat them in my room til she gets ready to go.

TT: "Bess help me pick out my outfit."

Nasha:" wear something from the mall."

TT: "ohhh yeah."😐

Nasha:"duhh sometimes you really are slow."

TT:" shut up. but how about this."

Nasha: "you sexy already."

TT:"I'm bout to get in da shower."

Nasha: "aight I'll be down stair with James."
~walks out door and down stairs ~

So I get in the shower and wash up with cucumber soap that me and Nasha got from bath and bodyworks and washed my hair.

Nasha POV

So I got down stairs and James was watching TV I walked over to him and sat beside him I was watching TV but he stopped watching TV and stared at me of course I acted like I ain't notice him so I just stared at the TV like I was paying no mind then he said my name.

James: "Nasha."


Then he just kissed me out of nowhere his lips touched mine and of course I kissed back his tongue begged for entrance I let him in as he sucked on my tongue i climbed on his lap without breaking the kiss and i let him squeeze my butt I started to moan in his mouth then TT called me

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