Nasha and James

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James POV

So after they left I went and sat next to Nasha she was laying down looking up so I just got on top of her and passionately kissed her and she kissed back I picked her up and took her to my room and started to kiss her neck and she started to moan and I found her sweet spot then I start to go up her shirt and she started
unbuckling my pants I got off of her

James: are you ready


James: ok

I took off my pants and shirt and was left in my boxers Nasha just stared

James: like what you see

Nasha: whatever
I got on top of Nasha and stared kissing down to her spot then after 30minutes after we did  that we put our clothes on

Nasha: j my legs are weak van you carry me ~Nasha whined ~

Me: yeah come big baby


We went downstairs and by now it was 9:45 and nothing good was on so we just watched scary movie 3 on (my favorite scary movie)Netflix and cuddled till we fell asleep

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